Early transitions and tertiary enrolment: The cumulative impact of primary and secondary effects on entering university in Germany.
Acta Sociologica, 55, issue 1, pp. 19-36.
Steffen Schindler
former staff member
RP7 A2 Education, Labour Markets and Social Stratification
(Note: Generally, the former staff pages only feature publications that have been published at the MZES. Furthermore, the former staff pages feature publications that have been published in co-authorship with current MZES staff.)
Journal Articles
Lörz, Markus, and Steffen Schindler
Bildungsexpansion und soziale Ungleichheit: Zunahme, Abnahme oder Persistenz ungleicher Chancenverhältnisse - eine Frage der Perspektive?.
Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 40, issue 6, pp. 458-477.
Lörz, Markus, Steffen Schindler and Jessica Walter
Gender inequalities in higher education: extent, development and mechanisms of gender differences in enrolment and field of study choice.
Irish Educational Studies, 30, issue 2, pp. 179-198.
Schindler, Steffen, and David Reimer
Differentiation and social selectivity in German higher education.
Higher Education. The International Journal of Higher Education Research, 61, issue 3, pp. 261-275.
Schindler, Steffen, Felix Weiss and Tobias Hubert
Explaining the class gap in training - the role of employment relations and job characteristics.
International Journal of Lifelong Education, 30, issue 2, pp. 213-232.
Schindler, Steffen, and Markus Lörz
Mechanisms of social inequality development: Primary and secondary effects in the transition to tertiary education between 1976 and 2005.
European Sociological Review Advance Access, doi: 10.1093/esr/jcr032.
Müller, Walter, Markus Klein, Steffen Schindler and Reinhard Pollak
Long-Term Development of Social Disparities in Eligibility for Higher Education in Germany (Cyrillic).
Sociological Problems, 43, issue 1/2, pp. 146-174 .
Schindler, Steffen, and David Reimer
Primäre und sekundäre Effekte der sozialen Herkunft beim Übergang in die Hochschulbildung.
Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 62, issue 4, pp. 623-653.
Giesecke, Johannes, and Steffen Schindler
Field of Study and Flexible Work. A Comparison between Germany and the UK.
International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 49, issue 4-5, pp. 283-304.
Book Chapters
Müller, Walter, Reinhard Pollak, David Reimer and Steffen Schindler
Hochschulbildung und soziale Ungleichheit.
Pp. 309-358 in:
Rolf Becker
Lehrbuch der Bildungssoziologie.
Aktualisierte und überarbeitete 3,
Springer Fachmedien.
Neugebauer, Martin, David Reimer, Steffen Schindler and Volker Stocké
Inequality in Transitions to Secondary School and Tertiary Education in Germany.
Pp. 56-88 in:
Michelle Jackson
Determined to Succeed? Performance Versus Choice in Educational Attainment.
Stanford University Press.
Lörz, Markus, and Steffen Schindler
Geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede beim Übergang ins Studium.
Pp. 99-122 in:
Andreas Hadjar
Geschlechtsspezifische Bildungsungleichheiten.
VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Müller, Walter, Reinhard Pollak, David Reimer and Steffen Schindler
Hochschulbildung und soziale Ungleichheit.
Pp. 289-327 in:
Rolf Becker
Lehrbuch der Bildungssoziologie.
2nd ed.,
VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Klein, Markus, Steffen Schindler, Reinhard Pollak and Walter Müller
Soziale Disparitäten in der Sekundarstufe und ihre langfristige Entwicklung.
Pp. 47-73 in:
Jürgen Baumert, Kai Maaz, Ulrich Trautwein
VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Reimer, David, and Steffen Schindler
Soziale Ungleichheit und differenzierte Ausbildungsentscheidungen beim Übergang zur Hochschule.
Pp. 251-283 in:
Birgit Becker, David Reimer
Vom Kindergarten bis zur Hochschule. Die Generierung von ethnischen und sozialen Disparitäten in der Bildungsbiographie.
VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Lörz, Markus, and Steffen Schindler
Educational expansion and effects on the transition to higher education: Has the effect of social background characteristics declined or just moved to the next stage?.
Pp. 97-110 in:
Andreas Hadjar, Rolf Becker
Expected and Unexpected Consequences of the Educational Expansion in Europe and USA.
Müller, Walter, Reinhard Pollak, David Reimer and Steffen Schindler
Hochschulbildung und soziale Ungleichheit.
Pp. 281-320 in:
Rolf Becker
Lehrbuch der Bildungssoziologie.
VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Müller, Walter, and Steffen Schindler
Entleert sich die Mitte wirklich? Einige Überlegungen zur Milanovic-These über die internationale Einkommensungleichheit.
Pp. 71-96 in:
Michael Bayer, Gabriele Mordt, Sylvia Trepe, Martin Winter
Transnationale Ungleichheitsforschung: Eine neue Herausforderung für die Soziologie.
Frankfurt am Main:
Papers / Reports
Schindler, Steffen
Assessing the cumulative impact of primary and secondary effects on the way from elementary to tertiary education. A simulation study for Germany.
[Equalsoc Working Paper]
Conference Presentations
Neugebauer, Martin, David Reimer, Steffen Schindler and Volker Stocké
How can we achieve a higher tertiary participation rate among students from low socioeconomic backgrounds?.
[Higher education and beyond - Inequalities regarding entrance to higher education and educational credentials, Monte Verità, Ascona, July 04th to July 09th, 2010]
Neugebauer, Martin, and Steffen Schindler
The German Case: Primary and Secondary Effects at the Transitions to Upper Secondary School and to Tertiary Education.
[EQUALSOC EDUC Research Team Meeting 'Problems of an Education-based Meritocracy', Oxford, February 18th to February 19th, 2010]
Schindler, Steffen, Martin Neugebauer, David Reimer and Volker Stocké
Primary and Secondary Effects at the Transitions to Secondary School and Tertiary Education in Germany. A Simulation Study with Counterfactuals.
[Joint ECSR/QMSS2/TransEurope Conference ‘Analysing Education, Family, Work and Welfare in Modern Societies: Methodological Approaches and Empirical Evidence’, Bamberg, September 30th to October 02nd, 2010]
Schindler, Steffen, and Markus Lörz
The development of primary and secondary effects in the transition to tertiary education in Germany 1976-2005.
[18th Annual Workshop of the Transitions in Youth Network 'Transitions into and out of higher education: A changing context?', Dublin, September 09th to September 11th, 2010]
Neugebauer, Martin, and Steffen Schindler
The German case: primary and secondary effects at the transitions to upper secondary school and to tertiary education.
[EQUALSOC EDUC Primary and Secondary Effects Team Meeting, Tallinn, June 11th to June 13th, 2009]
Schindler, Steffen
Bildungsexpansion und Differenzierung der Studienberechtigung. Mechanismen der sozialen Selektivität im Hinblick auf den Zugang zum Studium. Vorstellung eines neuen Projekts..
[HIS Forschungskolloquium, Hannover, March 17th, 2009]
Schindler, Steffen, and David Reimer
Differentiation and Social Selectivity in German Higher Education.
[EQUALSOC EDUC Research Team Meeting 'Differentiation in Higher Education', Kopenhagen, November 26th to November 27th, 2009]
Schindler, Steffen
European perspectives for young researchers.
[Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), Round Table 'Sociology in Europe - European Sociology', Lissabon, September 02nd, 2009]
Schindler, Steffen
Primary and Secondary Effects in Class Differentials: The Transition to Tertiary Education in Germany.
[EQUALSOC EDUC Research Team Meeting 'Problems of an Education-based Meritocracy', Oxford, January 30th to January 31st, 2009]
Schindler, Steffen, and Markus Lörz
The Role of School Performance in Explaining Social Inequalities in the Transition to Higher Education over Time in Germany.
[ISA RC28 Summer Meeting 'Mobility and Inequality: Intergenerational and Life Course Perspectives', New Haven, August 03rd to August 06th, 2009]
Reimer, David, and Steffen Schindler
Ablenkung oder Inklusion? Soziale Ungleichheit bei der Wahl differenzierter postsekundärer Ausbildungsalternativen.
[34. Kongress der deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Jena, October 09th, 2008]
Reimer, David, Steffen Schindler and Walter Müller
Ad-Hoc Gruppe 22: Hochschule im Wandel: Konsequenzen für die soziale Ungleichheit beim Bildungserwerb.
[34. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Jena, October 09th, 2008]
Schindler, Steffen, and Markus Lörz
Herkunftsspezifische Ungleichheiten im Bildungssystem. Die Entwicklung herkunftsspezifischer Unterschiede beim Erwerb der Hochschulreife und dem Übergang ins Studium zwischen 1976 und 2002..
[Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung, Hamburg, May 15th to May 16th, 2008]
Schindler, Steffen
Primäre und sekundäre Effekte beim Hochschulzugang: Die Bedeutung von Noten und Klassenherkunft von 1983 bis 1999.
[Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung, Hamburg, May 15th to May 16th, 2008]
Schindler, Steffen
Primäre und sekundäre Effekte beim Übergang zur Hochschule. Eine Analyse mit den HIS-Studienberechtigtenpanels 1983, 1990, 1994 & 1999.
[Vortrag bei der Hochschul-Informations-System GmbH, Hannover, March 18th, 2008]
Schindler, Steffen, and David Reimer
Primary and Secondary Effects in Class Differentials: The Transition to Tertiary Education in Germany..
[EQUALSOC Midterm Conference, Berlin, April 11th to April 12th, 2008]
Schindler, Steffen, and Felix Weiss
The Class Gap in Lifelong Learning.
[EQUALSOC EDUC Research Team Meeting 'The Training Gap in Lifelong Learning', Barcelona, October 17th to October 18th, 2008]
Schindler, Steffen, and Felix Weiss
The Class Gap in Lifelong Learning.
[EQUALSOC EDUC Research Team Meeting "The Training Gap in Lifelong Learning", Berlin, April 10th, 2008]
Schindler, Steffen, and Markus Lörz
The Relation of Educational Expansion and Social Selectivities in Secondary and Tertiary Education in Germany.
[ISA RC28 Summer Meeting 'Work, Poverty, and Inequality in the 21st Century', Stanford, August 06th to August 09th, 2008]
Schindler, Steffen, Felix Weiss and Tobias Hubert
Class Differences in the Access to Further Education.
[EQUALSOC EDUC Research Team Meeting "The Training Gap in Lifelong Learning", Dijon, November 24th, 2007]
Schindler, Steffen, and Johannes Giesecke
Field of Study and Flexible Work. A Comparison between Germany and the UK.
[EQUALSOC EDUC Research Team Workshop "Educational Fields of Study and European Labour Markets", Mannheim, September 17th to September 18th, 2007]
Schindler, Steffen, and David Reimer
Primary and Secondary Effects in Class Differentials: The Transition to Tertiary Education in Germany.
[Workshop of the EDUC Research Group of the EQUALSOC Network of Excellence, Dijon, November 22nd to November 24th, 2007]
Reimer, David, Steffen Schindler and Walter Müller
Ein steiniger Weg? Herkunftsbedingte Ungleichheiten beim Zugang zum und Dropout aus dem Hochschulsystem in Deutschland.
[68. Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für empirisch pädagogische Forschung (AEPF), München, September 11th to September 12th, 2006]
Schindler, Steffen
Social Inequality within the Context of Tertiary Education: Social Origin Effects on Student Dropout in Germany.
[EQUALSOC Summerschool "Social Inequality and Social Cohesion", Trento, September 04th to September 09th, 2006]
Schindler, Steffen
Studienabbruch als Ausdruck sozialer Selektivität. Effekte sozialer Herkunft und der Geschlechterrollen im deutschen Hochschulsystem..
[Vortrag bei der Hochschul-Informations-System GmbH, Hannover, July 13th, 2006]