Highly educated but in the wrong field? Educational specialisation and labour market risks of men and women in Spain and Germany.
European Societies, 11, issue 5, pp. 723–746.
Stephanie Steinmetz
former staff member
+49-621-181-2804Research Interests
- Social inequality
- Comparative labour market research, labour market segregatio
- Comparative welfarestate research
- Gender- and women studies
RP7 A2 Education, Labour Markets and Social Stratification
RP6 A2 Education, Labour Markets and Social Stratification in Europe
(Note: Generally, the former staff pages only feature publications that have been published at the MZES. Furthermore, the former staff pages feature publications that have been published in co-authorship with current MZES staff.)
Journal Articles
Matysiak, Anna, and Stephanie Steinmetz
Finding their way? Female employment patterns in West Germany, East Germany and Poland.
European Sociological Review, 24, issue 3, pp. 331-345.
Smyth, Emer, and Stephanie Steinmetz
Field of Study and Gender Segregation in European Labour Markets.
International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 49, issue 4-5, pp. 257-281.
Steinmetz, Stephanie
Geschlechtsspezifische Arbeitsmarktsegregation. Ein europäischer Vergleich.
Widerspruch, 25, issue 48, pp. 59-70.
Book Chapters
Handl, Johann, and Stephanie Steinmetz
Lessons from social mobility research: could the index discussion in occupational sex segregation benefit?.
Pp. 246-274 in:
Stefani Scherer, Reinhard Pollak, Gunnar Otte, Markus Gangl
From Origin to Destination. Trends and Mechanisms in Social Stratification Research.
Frankfurt a. M. / New York.:
Steinmetz, Stephanie
Frauen im Abseits? Die geschlechtsspezifische Arbeitsmarktsegregation im europäischen Vergleich.
Pp. 263-278 in:
Meike Lemke, Cornelia Ruhe, Marion Woelki, Béatrice Ziegler
Genus Oeconomicum. Ökonomie - Macht - Geschlechterverhältnisse.
MZES Working Papers
Reimer, David, and Stephanie Steinmetz
Gender Differentiation in Higher Education: Educational Specialization and Labour Market Risks in Spain and Germany.
[Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung: Arbeitspapiere; 99]
Matysiak, Anna, and Stephanie Steinmetz
Who follows whom? Female employment patterns in West Germany, East Germany and Poland.
[Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung: Arbeitspapiere; 94]
Steinmetz, Stephanie
The Contextual Challenges of Occupational Sex Segregation - Deciphering Cross-national Differences in Europe.
Universität Mannheim.
Conference Presentations
Steinmetz, Stephanie
Field of study and gender segregation in European labour markets (paper together with Emer Smyth).
[EQUALSOC EDUC Research Team Workshop "Educational Fields of Study and European Labour Markets", Mannheim, September 17th to September 18th, 2007]
Steinmetz, Stephanie
Field of Study and Gender Segregation in European Labour Markets (together with Emer Smyth).
[EQUALSOC-Field of study group meeting, Amsterdam, January 29th, 2007]
Steinmetz, Stephanie
Gender-specific occupational segregation and the role of education in selected European countries.
[LoWER Network Conference " What is Working for Women?", Volos, September 10th to September 12th, 2007]
Steinmetz, Stephanie
The empirical evidence of institutional constraints on cross-national differences in occupational sex segregation.
[RC28 Summer Meeting - Cumulative Advantage: Education, Health, Wealth and Institutional Contexts (International Sociological Association Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility), Montréal, August 14th to August 17th, 2007]
Reimer, David, and Stephanie Steinmetz
Vertical vs. Horizontal Gender Inequality in Higher Education: A German-Spanish Comparison.
[The 37th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, Stockholm, July 05th to July 09th, 2005]
Steinmetz, Stephanie
Frauen im Abseits? Die geschlechtsspezifische Arbeitsmarktsegregation im europäischen Vergleich.
[Genus Oeconomicum - Zur Ökonomie der Geschlechterverhältnisse, Universität Zürich, February 24th to February 25th, 2005]
Steinmetz, Stephanie, and David Reimer
Gender differentiation in higher education: Trends in choice of field of study and labour market outcomes in Spain and Germany.
[The Fourth European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education, Oxford, August 31st to September 03rd, 2005]
Steinmetz, Stephanie
Segregation: obstacle to adequate employment?.
[CHANGEQUAL Third Conference 'Social Indicators', Paris, May 17th to May 18th, 2004]