Citizenship, Involvement, Democracy: Private Networks for Public Action

Research question/goal: 

Aim of the project is a theoretical and empirical understanding of the mechanisms which produce social and political inequality. In the center of the project is the question of who is recruited by whom into voluntary associations of different kinds. The project will examine the process of recruitment through i) marketing attempts of organizations and ii) the mobilization through private networks of friends, colleagues and family.

Fact sheet

2006 to 2007
Data Sources: 
Geographic Space: 



Maloney, William A., and Jan W. van Deth (Eds.) (2010): Civil Society and Activism in Europe. Contextualizing Engagement and Political Orientations. London: Routledge. more
van Deth, Jan W., José Ramón Montero and Anders Westholm (Eds.) (2007): Citizenship and Involvement in European Democracies. A comparative analysis. London, New York: Routledge. [Routledge research in comparative politics; 17] more
van Deth, Jan W., Edeltraud Roller and Frank Brettschneider (Eds.) (2006): Jugend und Politik: "Voll normal!". Der Beitrag der politischen Soziologie zur Jugendforschung. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. more