Euromanifestos: Consolidating the Data-Base 1979-2009 and Preparing the 2014 Study

Research question/goal: 

The Euromanifestos project has been a constituent part of the series of European Election Studies (EES). Within this broader context, the Euromanifestos project analyses the issues that political parties emphasise in European Parliament elections. In the past, some 600 documents have been collected from relevant parties participating in European Parliament elections from 1979 on, in all of the now 27 EU member countries. These documents have been stored in different electronic formats (.pdf and .txt). Moreover, they have been subjected to a quantitative content analysis which focuses on the issue salience of parties (i.e. which issues they talk about most) and the governmental frame in which these issues are presented (national, European, or unspecific). It is the purpose of this project to consolidate the existing data base (e.g. by integrating the 2009 data in the longitudinal database) and to continue this data collection and analysis in view of the 2014 European Parliament election.

The research agenda of this project will now be pursued in the framework of the larger project of B3.4

Fact sheet

2011 to 2014
continued elsewhere
Data Sources: 
Content analyses of political texts
Geographic Space: 
European Union
