Experiences of Everyday Racism and Media-Mediated Racism in the (Political) Public Sphere

Research question/goal: 

The project investigated deeper less researched experiences of the complex issue of everyday racism, which have so far been neglected in discrimination research because the perspective of those affected is rarely addressed. For this purpose, an in-house population survey was conducted  among people with an immigrant background recruited through a survey company, with N=1,791 realized questionnaires.
Respondents reported significantly more experiences with discrimination than is found with a classic   instrument of the European Social Survey. The affected respondents also stated that their most common way of dealing with discrimination was to ignore it. Respondents reported racism in online contexts rather less frequently . The younger the respondents were, the more likely they were to feel discriminated against.

Overall, the survey reveals a very heterogeneous picture of perceived discrimination, particularly by country of origin. In contrast to other groups, people with a Turkish migration background report discrimination particularly frequently and more often if they are upwardly mobile in education or belong to the second migrant generation. However, breaking down the group of people with migration background reveals important inequalities and that migration background can by no means considered uniform ly. Future studies on discrimination that build on these findings should therefore increasingly include migration background. Nevertheless, experiences of racism and other forms of discrimination should be taken seriously, regardless of country of origin and other characteristics of migration history.


Fact sheet

2020 to 2022
Data Sources: 
Survey data; social network data, content analysis of media reports
Geographic Space: 
