Intermediary Structures and the Welfare State: The Role of the Churches in Western Europe

Research question/goal: 

Research on the welfare state has rather neglected the role of intermediary structures in the production of social welfare. In particular the churches have been playing a major role in the provision of social welfare long before the modern welfare state was founded. Still, there are huge variations in the welfare production of the churches to be be found across Western Europe. These will be analysed and explained from a comparative perspective.

Fact sheet

1999 to 2004
Data Sources: 
Organisation survey
Geographic Space: 
Western Europe



Fix, Birgit, and Elisabeth Fix (2005): Kirche und Wohlfahrtsstaat. Soziale Arbeit kirchlicher Wohlfahrtsorganisationen im westeuropäischen Vergleich. Freiburg: Lambertus. more
Fix, Birgit (2001): Religion und Familienpolitik: Deutschland, Belgien, Österreich und die Niederlande im Vergleich. Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag. more