Legislative Reforms and Party Competition

Research question/goal: 

Our research project investigates the ability of parliamentary systems to initiate policy reforms and the effects of party competition and coalition policy-making on the duration and success of those reforms. Using new data from Germany and Austria, the project traces the individual reform proposal as the unit of analysis through its life cycle from initial discussion outside the legislative arena through the final parliamentary decision. The goal of our comparative analysis is to get a better understanding of how party competition affects the duration of reform processes and the success of legislative reforms.

Fact sheet

DFG, SFB 884
2010 to 2022



Brouard, Sylvain, Olivier Costa and Thomas König (Eds.) (2012): The Europeanization of Domestic Legislatures. The Empirical Implications of the Delors' Myth in Nine Countries. New York: Springer. [Studies in Public Choice; 26] more
König, Thomas, George Tsebelis and Marc Debus (Eds.) (2010): Reform Processes and Policy Change: Veto Players and Decision-Making in Modern Democracies. New York: Springer. [Studies in Public Choice] more