Longitudinal Studies for Education Reporting: Examples from Europe and North America

Research question/goal: 

In the project, we prepare an expertise for the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research in which we deal with the most important longitudinal studies on the course of education in a number of selected European and North American countries (France, Great Britain, The Netherlands, Sweden, Canada, and the United States). Three aspects are of central relevance to this expertise: (1) to provide a detailed overview on relevant longitudinal studies (i.e. content, design, implementation), (2) to show how these studies are used for national educational reporting in these countries, and (3) based on this inventory to give recommendations for setting up a system of educational reporting in Germany.

Fact sheet

2003 to 2004
Data Sources: 
Longitudinal data
Geographic Space: 
France, Great Britain, The Netherlands, Sweden, Canada, and the United States



Kristen, Cornelia, Anika Römmer, Walter Müller and Frank Kalter (2005): Längsschnittstudien für die Bildungsberichterstattung – Beispiele aus Europa und Nordamerika. Berlin/Bonn: Referat Publikationen. [Bildungsreform; 10] more
Kristen, Cornelia, Anika Römmer, Walter Müller and Frank Kalter (2005): Longitudinal Studies for Education Reports: European and North American Examples. Bonn, Berlin. [Education Reform; 10] more