Projects from First to Third Research Programme (1989-1999)
RP1-3 Department I : Living Conditions and Inequality in the Relationship between Social Structure and the Welfare State
RP1-3 Department II: Development Trends and Problems of Democratic Government Systems
RP1-3 Department III: Social Dimensions and the Political System of the European Community
RP1-3 Department IV: History and Politics of GDR (East Germany) and East Europe
RP1-3 EURODATA Research Archive
RP1-3 Associated Projects
I 3.02 Determinants of Divorce
I 3.03 Migration potentials
II 1.06 Network Analysis
II 1.09 Comparative Electoral Research
II 2.02 Social Capital in West-Europe
III 3.02 Regional Identity
IV 2.01 Stability in East Central Europe