Socio-economic Development of Self-Employment in Europe

Research question/goal: 

Since the 1980s the rate and number of self-employed workers increased in almost every Western European country. This growth has strongly influenced the recent debate about the replacement of traditional forms of employment. Further, it has raised the question about the causes of this increase. The project conducts a systematic comparative analysis in several European societies to describe the development in the various countries and to explain the differences between these countries in the context of specific national structures of incentives and opportunities for self-employed work. Of specific interest also are the implications of the developments for the composition in terms of social characteristics of the self-employed workers and their position in the social structure of advanced societies.

Fact sheet

Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung, MZES
1998 to 2002
Data Sources: 
European Labour Force Surveys
Geographic Space: 
Western Europe



Arum, Richard, and Walter Müller (Eds.) (2004): The Reemergence of Self-Employment. A comparative study of self-employment dynamics and social inequality. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. more
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Müller, Walter, Henning Lohmann and Silvia Luber (Eds.) (2000): Self-employment in Advanced Economies (I)+(II). Amonk, NY: Sharpe. [Special issues of International Journal of Sociology, Vol. 30; 3+4] more