The Management of Integration Processes in the CIS and the Whole of Europe as Intended by Russian Political Actors

Research question/goal: 

Moscow`s interest in becoming the centre of a new integration network in Eastern Europe is situated within its attempts to take part in all-European, Euroatlantic and global integration processes. The goal of the project is to analyze the policy options for European integration and the relationships between them. The focus of the project is a systematic analysis of the different modes of inte-gration and the socio-political functions which are ascribed to the CIS and other integrative institutions.

Fact sheet

1999 to 2004
Data Sources: 
analysis of literature, secondary analyses, official documen
Geographic Space: 
Russia, EC, CIS



Peter, Rolf (2006): Russland im neuen Europa. Nationale Identität und außenpolitische Präferenzen (1992-2004). Hamburg: Lit Verlag. [Studien zu Konflikt und Kooperation im Osten; 15] more