Martina Dieckhoff, Jean-Marie Jungblut, Philip J. O'Connell
Job-Related Training in Europe. Do Institutions Matter?

Pp. 77-104 in: Duncan Gallie (Ed.): Employment Regimes and the Quality of Work. 2007. Oxford: Oxford University Press

This chapter compares the incidence, the distribution, as well as the impact of continuing vocational training and employer-sponsored vocational training across a number of European countries. In particular, it assesses whether continuing training alleviates or exacerbates existing inequalities of work-life chances. The findings are summarized in the chapter as follows: there was no evidence of systematic differences in the distribution of training opportunities and the financial returns to training relating to differences in production systems and employment regimes. However, there was strong evidence that the volume of continuing training is by far the highest in the inclusive employment regimes of Denmark and Finland.