Sebastian Pink
Using mainly Stata and increasingly R (and knitr)

Social Sciene Data Lab, MZES, Mannheim, October 19th, 2017

Very familiar with Stata, probably like most of you, throughout my project and dissertation work, I came to increasingly incorporate R in my data analysis and even my data edition. In one instance, I had to run specific models for network analysis that I was not able to run in Stata. Then I ran the analysis in R but kept doing the entire preceeding data edition in Stata. In another instance, I ran a simulation model in R, which by nature slightly changed its results every time I ran it. As I wanted to avoid a time-consuming copy-and-paste marathon between R and Word, I wrote the manuscript describing this simulation model using knitr. The reason was that it automatically handed over the values, figures, and tables to a latex processor producing a nice document. In this talk I simply describe these developments in my workflow to show you how you may gain from incorporating R or knitr in small dosages in your Stata workflow.