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Roth, Tobias, and Manuel Siegert (2015): Freedom of choice versus equality? The effect of families’ free choice at the first crucial transition in the educational system of Germany on the extent of social inequality of educational attainment. [ECSR Conference 2015 – Cumulative Inequalities in the Life Course, Tallinn University, September 10th to September 12th, 2015] more
Roth, Tobias, and Manuel Siegert (2015): Freiheit versus Gleichheit? Der Einfluss der Verbindlichkeit der Übergangsempfehlung auf die soziale Ungleichheit in der Sekundarstufe. Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 44, issue 2, pp. 118-136. more
Rothenbacher, Franz, and Georg Fertig (2015): Bevölkerung, Haushalte und Familien. Pp. 30-45 in: Thomas Rahlf (Ed.) Deutschland in Daten: Zeitreihen zur Historischen Statistik. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. more
Roßmann, Joss, Jan Eric Blumenstiel and Markus Steinbrecher (2015): Why Do Respondents Break Off Web Surveys and Does It Matter? Results From Four Follow-up Surveys. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 27, issue 2, pp. 289-302. more
Rudnik, Agatha, and Harald Schoen (2015): Mehr als ökonomisches Kalkül? Zu den Bestimmungsfaktoren von auf die Eurokrise bezogenen Performanzbewertungen und Policy-Präferenzen. Pp. 139-164 in: Heiko Giebler, Aiko Wagner (Eds.) Wirtschaft, Krise und Wahlverhalten. Baden-Baden: Nomos. more
Rudolph, Lukas, and Thomas Däubler (2015): Holding Individual Representatives Accountable: The Role of Electoral Systems. [World Regions Compared: Polity, Politics and Policy. DVPW Comparative Political Science Section Conference, Hamburg, February 25th to February 27th, 2015] more
Ruiz, Antonia, Alberto Sanz, Rosa M. Navarrete and José Ramón Montero (2015): The Politicisation of social divisions. [The True European Voter: Authors' Conference, MZES, Mannheim, May 10th to May 12th, 2015] more
Sajuria, Javier, Jennifer vanHeerde-Hudson, David Hudson, Niheer Dasandi and Yannis Theocharis (2015): Tweeting Alone? An Analysis of Bridging and Bonding Social Capital in Online Networks. American Politics Research, 43, issue 4, pp. 708-738. more
Sakshaug, Joseph W., Stefanie Wolter and Frauke Kreuter (2015): Obtaining Record Linkage Consent. Results from a Wording Experiment in Germany, Survey Methods: Insights from the Field, more
Salikutluk, Zerrin (2015): Questionnaire Design: Experiences of the CILS4EU project. [CILS-NOR international conference and workshop, Oslo, April 13th to April 14th, 2015] more
