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8574 results

Faas, Thorsten, and Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck (2010): Voters' political conversations during the 2005 German parliamentary election campaign. Pp. 99 - 116 in: Michael R. Wolf, Laura Morales (Eds.) Political Discussions in Modern Democracies. A Comparative Perspective. London/New York: Routledge. more
Faas, Thorsten, and Sascha Huber (2010): Experimente in der Politikwissenschaft: Vom Mauerblümchen zum Mainstream. Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 51, pp. 721–749. more
Faas, Thorsten, Kai Arzheimer and Sigrid Roßteutscher (Eds.) (2010): Information - Wahrnehmung - Emotion. Politische Psychologie in der Wahl- und Einstellungsforschung. Wiesbaden: VS. [Veröffentlichung des Arbeitskreises 'Wahlen und politische Einstellungen' der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft (DVPW)] more
Fischer-Hotzel, Andrea (2010): Democratic participation? The Involvement of Citizens in Policy-making at the European Commission. Journal of Contemporary European Research , 6, issue 3, pp. 335-352. more
Gebel, Michael (2010): Early career consequences of temporary employment in Germany and the United Kingdom. Work, Employment and Society, 24, issue 4, pp. 641-660. more
Gebel, Michael (2010): Early career consequences of temporary employment in Germany and UK.. [Research Network EQUALSOC - Final Conference, Amsterdam, June 04th to June 05th, 2010] more
Gebel, Michael (2010): Frühe prekäre Lagen als permanente Narben? Familiäre Einkommensarmut und kindlicher Bildungserfolg in Deutschland. [Tagung der Sektionen „Soziale Ungleichheit und Sozialstrukturanalyse“ und „Familiensoziologie“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie zum Thema "Reproduktion von Ungleichheit durch Arbeit und Familie", Rostock, April 15th to April 16th, 2010] more
Gebel, Michael (2010): Main results of the Syrian Youth Transition Survey. [Workshop of the European Training Foundation and the Central Bureau of Statistics of Syria: First analyses of the Syrian Youth Transition Survey, Damascus, March 17th, 2010] more
Gebel, Michael (2010): Main results of the Syrian Youth Transition Survey. [Personal report to the Deputy Prime Minister of Syria, Damascus, March 18th, 2010] more
Gebel, Michael (2010): Youth at risk? The impact of labour market deregulation on youths‘ relative unemployment and temporary employment risks in Europe. [EQUALSOC-EMPLOY Research Group Meeting “Varieties of life course patterns: the role of institutions in shaping labour market careers in Europe", European University Institute, Florence, April 29th to April 30th, 2010] more
