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Bahle, Thomas, and Vanessa Hubl (2010): Mindestsicherung. [1. Tagung 'Sozialversicherung: Wandel, Wirkung, Weiterentwicklung', Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Düsseldorf, May 05th to May 06th, 2010] more
Bahle, Thomas, and Vanessa Hubl (2010): Mindestsicherung. [2. Tagung 'Sozialversicherung: Wandel, Wirkung, Weiterentwicklung', Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Düsseldorf, October 04th to October 05th, 2010] more
Bahle, Thomas, Jürgen Kohl and Claus Wendt (2010): Welfare State. Pp. 571-628 in: Stefan Immerfall, Göran Therborn (Eds.) Handbook of European Societies. New York: Springer. more
Bahle, Thomas, Michaela Pfeifer and Claus Wendt (2010): Social assistance. Pp. 448-461 in: Francis G. Castles, Stephan Leibfried, Jane Lewis, Herbert Obinger, Christopher Pierson (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State. Oxford: Oxford University Press . more
Baranowska, Anna, and Michael Gebel (2010): The determinants of youth temporary employment in the enlarged Europe: do labour market institutions matter?. European Societies, 12, issue 3, pp. 367-390. more
Bauer, Gerrit (2010): Graphische Darstellung regressionsanalytischer Ergebnisse. Pp. 905-927 in: Christof Wolf, Henning Best (Eds.) Handbuch der sozialwissenschaftlichen Datenanalyse. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. more
Bauer, Gerrit, and Marita Jacob (2010): Fertilitätsentscheidungen im Partnerschaftskontext. Eine Analyse der Bedeutung der Bildungskonstellation von Paaren für die Familiengründung anhand des Mikrozensus 1996–2004. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 62, issue 1, pp. 31-60. more
Bauer, Gerrit, and Thorsten Kneip (2010): The Influence of Partner's Characteristics on Family Formation. [XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology, RC 06 & RC 32: Session Gender Equality and Family Transitions, Gothenburg, July 11th to July 17th, 2010] more
Bauer, Gerrit, and Thorsten Kneip (2010): Proceptive Behavior from a Couple Perspective. It takes two – but who leads the Tango?. Wien more
Bauer, Gerrit, and Thorsten Kneip (2010): Proceptive Behaviour from a Couple Perspective. A Test of Competing Decision Rules. [From Intentions to Behaviour:Reproductive Decision-Making in a Macro-Micro Perspective, Vienna Institute of Demography, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, December 02nd to December 03rd, 2010] more
