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113 results

Poguntke, Thomas (1998): Germany. European Journal of Political Research: Political Data Yearbook 1998, 34, issue 3-4, pp. 403-408. more
Poguntke, Thomas (1998): Party Organisations. Pp. 156-179 in: Jan W. van Deth (Ed.) Comparative Politics. The Problem of Equivalence. London: Routledge. more
Reich, Andreas (1998): Tschechische und slowakische Stimmen zur NATO-Osterweiterung. Osteuropa, 48, pp. A55-A61. more
Rieger, Elmar (1998): Soziologische Theorie und Sozialpolitik im entwickelten Wohlfahrtsstaat. Pp. 59-89 in: Stephan Lessenich, Ilona Ostner (Eds.) Welten des Wohlfahrtskapitalismus : der Sozialstaat in vergleichender Perspektive. Frankfurt a. M.: Campus-Verlag. more
Rothenbacher, Franz (1998): The changing public sector in Europe: Social structure, income and social security. EURODATA Newsletter, issue 8, pp. 1-6. more
Rothenbacher, Franz (1998): Country Profile: France. EURODATA Newsletter, issue 7, pp. 29-33. more
Rothenbacher, Franz (1998): Country Profile: The Netherlands. EURODATA Newsletter, issue 8, pp. 23-25. more
Rothenbacher, Franz (1998): European scientific socio-economic reporting: state and possiblities of development. Social Indicators Research, 44, issue 3, pp. 291-328. more
Rothenbacher, Franz (1998): Similarities and Differences of Social Reporting in Europe. Pp. 105-154 in: Sozialberichterstattung: Bilanz und Perspektiven. Eine Tagung des Deutschen Jugendinstituts, München, und der Evangelischen Akademie Tutzing vom 2.-4. Februar 1998 in Tutzing. München: DJI. more
Rothenbacher, Franz (1998): Similarities and Differences of Social Reporting in Europe. Tutzing more
