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116 results

Pappi, Franz Urban, and Susumu Shikano (2002): The positions of parties in ideological and policy space: The perception of German voters of their party system. Chicago more
Peter, Rolf, and Volker Weichsel (2002): Will Russia be excluded from or included into Europe by the enlargement of the European Union?. Pp. 122 - 126 in: Gewinner und Verlierer post-sozialistischer Transformationsprozesse. Bremen: Forschungsstelle. more
Pfenning, Astrid, and Thomas Bahle (2002): Structures of Social Services in Germany. Pp. 68-91 in: Social services in transition - towards a European social services information system. Frankfurt am Main: Institut für Sozialarbeit und Sozialpädagogik. more
Poguntke, Thomas (2002): Germany. European Journal of Political Research: Political Data Yearbook 2001, 40, issue 3-4, pp. 307-312. more
Poguntke, Thomas (2002): Green parties in national governments: From protest to acquiescence?. Environmental Politics, 11, issue 1, pp. 133-145. more
Poguntke, Thomas (2002): Parteiorganisationen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Einheit in der Vielfalt?. Pp. 253 - 273 in: Oscar W. Gabriel, Oskar Niedermayer, Richard Stöss (Eds.) Parteiendemokratie in Deutschland. ed., Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (Buchausgabe. more
Poguntke, Thomas (2002): Party organizational linkage: Parties without firm social roots?. Pp. 43-62 in: Kurt Richard Luther, Ferdinand Müller-Rommel (Eds.) Political parties in the new Europe. Political and analytical challenges. 1st ed., Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press. more
Poguntke, Thomas (2002): Zur empirischen Evidenz der Kartellparteien-These. Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, issue 4, pp. 790-806. more
Quittkat, Christine (2002): Les organisations professionnelles françaises: Européanisation de la médiation des intérêts. Politique européenne, issue 7, pp. 66-95. more
Rothenbacher, Franz (2002): The Public Service and Social Protection in Europe: A Comparative Research Project. EURODATA Newsletter, 2001/02, issue 14/15, pp. 1-9. more
