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3195 results

Marangoni, Anne-Claire, Dovilė Rimkutė, Jost-Henrik Morgenstern, Iulii Selianko and Nikola Tomic (2013): Policy Brief: Intra-institutional coordination in the EU: old and new challenges. [Dissemination Colloquium: Dynamics of Inter-institutional Cooperation in the European Union (INCOOP), Brussels, October 11th, 2013] more
Mattheiß, Tamara, Carina Weinmann, Charlotte Löb, Katharina Rauhe, Katharina Bartsch, Franziska S. Roth, Sabine Spenkuch and Peter Vorderer (2013): Political Learning Through Entertainment – Only an Illusion? How Motivations for Watching TV Political Talk Shows Influence Viewers’ Experiences. Journal of Media Psychology, 25, issue 4, pp. 171-179. more
Myant, Martin, and Jan Drahokoupil (2013): Central Asian countries: Forms of International Integration and the Impact of the Crisis of 2008. Pp. 257-274 in: Joachim Ahrens, Herman W. Hoen (Eds.) Institutional reform in Central Asia: Politico–economic challenges. London: Routledge. more
Myant, Martin, and Jan Drahokoupil (2013): Transition Economies after the Crisis of 2008: Actors and Policies. Europe-Asia Studies, 65, issue 3, pp. 373-382. more
Myant, Martin, and Jan Drahokoupil (2013): Tranzitivní ekonomiky: Politická ekonomie Ruska, východní Evropy a st?ední Asie. Prague: Academia. more
Myant, Martin, Jan Drahokoupil and Ivan Lesay (2013): Political economy of crisis management in East-Central European countries. Europe-Asia Studies, 65, issue 3, pp. 383-410. more
Müller, Jochen (2013): On a Short Leash? Sub-National Party Positions between Regional Context and National Party Unity. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties, 23, issue 2, pp. 177-199. more
Müller, Walter (2013): Bildungsungleichheit und Gerechtigkeit - Gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen. Pp. 27-51 in: Rolf Becker, Patrick Bühler, Thomas Bühler (Eds.) Bildungsungleichheit und Gerechtigkeit: Wissenschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen. Bern: Haupt. more
Müller, Walter (2013): Do we really need more education?. [Vortrag bei der Eröffnung der Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS), Bamberg, July 01st, 2013] more
Müller, Walter (2013): Keynote: "Contributions of Sociology to Education Research". [International Conference of the DFG Research Group BiKS, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, July 22nd to July 24th, 2013] more
