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14 results

Auel, Katrin, and Berthold Rittberger (2006): Fluctuant nec merguntur. The European Parliament, national parliaments, and European integration. Pp. 121-145 in: Jeremy Richardson (Ed.) European Union. Power and policy-making. 3rd ed., London: Routledge. more
De Bièvre, Dirk (2006): Legislative and Judicial Decision Making in the World Trade Organization. Pp. 31-51 in: Mathias Koenig-Archibugi, Michael Zürn (Eds.) New Modes of Governance in the Global System. Exploring Publicness, Delegation and Inclusiveness. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. more
Ebbinghaus, Bernhard (2006): The Politics of Pension Reform: Managing Interest Group Conflicts. Pp. 759-777 in: Gordon L. Clark, Alicia H. Munnell, Michael Orszag (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Pensions and Retirement Income. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. more
Ebbinghaus, Bernhard (2006): Trade union movements in post-industrial welfare states. Opening up to new social interests?. Pp. 123-142 in: Klaus Armingeon, Giuliano Bonoli (Eds.) The Politics of Post-Industrial Welfare States. Adapting Post-war Social Policies to New Social Risks. London: Routledge. more
Hüller, Thorsten, and Matthias Leonhard Maier (2006): Fixing the Codex? Global Food-Safety Governance under Review. Pp. 267-299 in: Christian Joerges, Ernst Ulrich Petersmann (Eds.) Constitutionalism, Multilevel Trade Governance and Social Regulation. Oxford: Hart. more
Kohler-Koch, Beate (2006): European governance and system integration. Pp. 91-106 in: Erik Oddvar Eriksen, Christian Joerges, Florian Rödl (Eds.) Law and Democracy in the Post-National Union. Oslo: Arena Centre for European Studies. more
Leuffen, Dirk, and Sander Luitwieler (2006): Domesticated Wolves? Length of Membership, State Size and Preferences at the European Convention. Pp. 151-178 in: Ron Holzhacker, Markus Haverland (Eds.) European Research Reloaded: Cooperation and Integration among Europeanized States. Dordrecht: Kluwer. more
Müller, Wolfgang C. (2006): Party Patronage and Party Colonization of the State. Pp. 189-195 in: Richard S. Katz, William Crotty (Eds.) Handbook of Party Politics. London: Sage Publications. more
Müller, Wolfgang C., and Ulrich Sieberer (2006): Party Law. Pp. 435-445 in: Richard S. Katz, William Crotty (Eds.) Handbook of Party Politics. London: Sage Publications. more
Schimmelfennig, Frank (2006): The process of enlargement. Problems, interests, and norms. Pp. 207 - 224 in: Jeremy Richardson (Ed.) European Union. Power and policy-Making. 3rd ed., London: Routledge. more
