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94 results

Rathke, Julia (2007): Identisch und doch verschieden, verschieden und doch vergleichbar? Zur Äquivalenz von Sekundärdaten. Pp. 149-176 in: Thomas Gschwend, Frank Schimmelfennig (Eds.) Forschungsdesign in der Politikwissenschaft. Probleme - Strategien - Anwendungen. Frankfurt/Main: Campus Verlag. more
Rittberger, Berthold (2007): Constructing Parliamentary Democracy in the European Union: How Did It Happen?. Pp. 111-137 in: Beate Kohler-Koch, Berthold Rittberger (Eds.) Debating the Democratic Legitimacy of the European Union. Lanham: Rowman&Littlefield. more
Rittberger, Berthold, and Frank Schimmelfennig (2007): The Constitutionalization of the European Union: Explaining the Parliamentarization and the Institutionalization of the Human Rights. Pp. 213-229 in: Sophie Meunier, Kathleen McNamara (Eds.) Making history: European integration and institutional change at fifty. Oxford: Oxford University Press. more
Roth, Dieter, and Andreas M. Wüst (2007): Emanzipiert und ungeliebt: Nicht-, Wechsel- und Protestwähler in Deutschland. Pp. 390-412 in: Werner J. Patzelt, Martin Sebaldt, Uwe Kranenpohl (Eds.) Res Publica Semper Reformanda. Wissenschaft und politische Bildung im Dienste des Gemeinwohls. Festschrift für Heinrich Oberreuter zum 65. Geburtstag. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag. more
Roßteutscher, Sigrid, Lucia Medina and Per Selle (2007): Age and generation: patterns of associational fertility and survival. Pp. 195-223 in: William A. Maloney, Sigrid Roßteutscher (Eds.) Social Capital and Associations in European Democracies. A comparative analysis. London: Routledge. more
Schmitt, Hermann (2007): The Nature of European Issues: Conceptual Clarifications and Some Empirical Evidence. Pp. 11-22 in: Claes de Vreese, Hermann Schmitt (Eds.) A European Public Sphere: How much of it do we have and how much do we need?. Mannheim: MZES. more
Schmitt, Hermann, and Cees van der Eijk (2007): Non-voting in European Parliament elections and support for European integration. Pp. 145-167 in: Wouter van der Brug, Cees van der Eijk (Eds.) European Elections & Domestic Politics. Lessons from the Past and Scenarios for the Future. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press. more
Schmitt, Hermann, and Jacques Thomassen (2007): System stran EU po rozsireni na vychod. Pp. 195-210 in: Lukas Kinek, Jan Outly (Eds.) Volby do Evropskeho parlametu 2004. Praha: Sociologicky ustav Akademi ved CR. more
Schulze, Isabelle (2007): Luxembourg: an electoral system with panache. Pp. 804-853 in: Ellen M. Immergut, Karen M. Anderson, Isabelle Schulze (Eds.) The Handbook of West European Pension Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. more
Schulze, Isabelle, and Martin Schludi (2007): Austria: from electoral cartels to competitive coalition-building. Pp. 555-604 in: Ellen M. Immergut, Karen M. Anderson, Isabelle Schulze (Eds.) The Handbook of West European Pension Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. more
