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54 results

Rudnik, Agatha, and Harald Schoen (2015): Mehr als ökonomisches Kalkül? Zu den Bestimmungsfaktoren von auf die Eurokrise bezogenen Performanzbewertungen und Policy-Präferenzen. Pp. 139-164 in: Heiko Giebler, Aiko Wagner (Eds.) Wirtschaft, Krise und Wahlverhalten. Baden-Baden: Nomos. more
Schmitt-Beck, Rüdiger (2015): Data Bases and Statistical Systems: Political Behavior and Elections. Pp. 824-829 in: James D. Wright (Ed.) International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. 2nd ed., Oxford: Elsevier. more
Schofield, Norman, and Anna-Sophie Kurella (2015): Party activists in the 2009 German federal election. Pp. 293-311 in: Norman Schofield, Gonzalo Caballero (Eds.) The Political Economy of Governance. Institutions, Political Performance and Elections. Cham: Springer. more
Schupp, Jürgen, and Christof Wolf (2015): Vorwort. Pp. 7-9 in: Jürgen Schupp, Christof Wolf (Eds.) Nonresponse Bias: Qualitätssicherung sozialwissenschaftlicher Umfragen. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. more
Theocharis, Yannis (2015): Is digitally networked participation a form of political participation?. Pp. 189-205 in: Thomas Poguntke, Sigrid Roßteutscher, Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck, Sonja Zmerli (Eds.) Citizenship and Democracy in an Era of Crisis. London, New York: Routledge. more
Tourangeau, Roger, Frauke Kreuter and Stephanie Eckman (2015): Motivated Misreporting: Shaping Answers to Reduce Survey Burden. Pp. 24-41 in: Uwe Engel (Ed.) Survey Measurements: Techniques, Data Quality and Sources of Error. Frankfurt a. M.: Campus. more
Wagner, Corina, Jana Pötzschke and Hans Rattinger (2015): Eine Bedrohung für die Partnerschaft? Bedrohungswahrnehmungen und Länderimages im deutsch-amerikanischen Verhältnis. Pp. 263-291 in: Heiko Biehl, Harald Schoen (Eds.) Sicherheitspolitik und Streitkräfte im Urteil der Bürger: Theorien, Methoden, Befunde. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. more
Wessler, Hartmut (2015): Deliberativeness in political communication. Pp. 139-140 in: Wolfgang Donsbach (Ed.) The Concise Encyclopedia of Communication. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell. more
Wetzel, Anne (2015): Governance Perspective: Democratic Governance Promotion through Functional Cooperation. Pp. 58-67 in: Anne Wetzel, Jan Orbie (Eds.) The Substance of EU Democracy Promotion: Concepts and Cases. Basingstoke: Palgrave. more
Wetzel, Anne (2015): The Substance of EU Democracy Promotion: Introduction and Conceptual Framework. Pp. 1-23 in: Anne Wetzel, Jan Orbie (Eds.) The Substance of EU Democracy Promotion: Concepts and Cases. Basingstoke: Palgrave. more
