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33 results

Amaya, Ashley, Ruben L. Bach, Frauke Kreuter and Florian Keusch (2021): Measuring the Strength of Attitudes in Social Media Data. Pp. 163-192 in: Craig Hil, Paul P. Biemer, Trent Buskirk, Lilli Japec, Antje Kirchner, Stas Kolenikov, Lars E. Lyberg (Eds.) Big Data Meets Survey Science: A Collection of Innovative Methods. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. more
Bauer, Paul C. (2021): Clearing the Jungle: Conceptualising Trust and Trustworthiness. Pp. 17-34 in: Raquel Barradas de Freitas, Sergio Lo Iacono (Eds.) Trust Matters: Cross-Disciplinary Essays. Oxford: Hart. more
Bender, Stefan, Ron S. Jarmin, Frauke Kreuter and Julia Lane (2021): Privacy and Confidentiality. Pp. 313-332 in: Ian Foster, Rayid Ghani, Ron S. Jarmin, Frauke Kreuter, Julia Lane (Eds.) Big Data and Social Science: Data Science Methods and Tools for Research and Practice. 2nd edition, New York: CRC Press. more
Blom, Annelies G., and Katja Möhring (2021): Soziale Ungleichheit in der Beschäftigungssituation während der frühen Phase der Coronakrise. Pp. 478-483 in: WZB Datenreport 2021. Berlin: WZB. more
Braun, Daniela, Sebastian Adrian Popa and Hermann Schmitt (2021): The impact of Eurosceptic challenger parties of the left and right on party competition over Europe. Pp. 45-73 in: Maurizio Cotta, Pierangelo Isernia (Eds.) The EU Through Multiple Crises: Representation and Cohesion Dilemmas for a “sui generis” Polity. London and New York: Routledge. more
Burgdorf, Katharina, and Henning Hillmann (2021): Archival data. Pp. 337-351 in: Gianluca Manzo (Ed.) Research Handbook on Analytical Sociology. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. more
Bäck, Hanna, Marc Debus and Jorge M. Fernandes (2021): The politics of legislative debates: An introduction. Pp. 1-20 in: Hanna Bäck, Marc Debus, Jorge M. Fernandes (Eds.) The Politics of Legislative Debates. Oxford: Oxford University Press. more
Bäck, Hanna, Marc Debus and Jorge M. Fernandes (2021): Unpacking comparative patterns in legislative debates. Pp. 825-850 in: Hanna Bäck, Marc Debus, Jorge M. Fernandes (Eds.) The Politics of Legislative Debates. Oxford: Oxford University Press. more
Cohen, Denis (2021): Ökonomisches Risiko und die elektorale Anziehungskraft der AfD. Pp. 297-320 in: Bernhard Weßels, Harald Schoen (Eds.) Wahlen und Wähler. Analysen aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl 2017. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. more
Debus, Marc (2021): Kosmopolitisches und parochiales Freizeit- und Urlaubsverhalten und ihr Einfluss auf Kandidatensympathie und Wahlabsicht im Kontext der Bundestagswahl 2017. Pp. 273-295 in: Bernhard Weßels, Harald Schoen (Eds.) Wahlen und Wähler. Analysen aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl 2017. Wiesbaden: SpringerVS. more
