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Kohler-Koch, Beate (2002): On Networks, Travelling Ideas, and Behavioural Inertia. Pp. 87-103 in: Thomas Conzelmann, Michèle Knodt (Eds.) Regionales Europa - Europäisierte Regionen. Frankfurt/New York: Campus. more
Peter, Rolf, and Volker Weichsel (2002): Will Russia be excluded from or included into Europe by the enlargement of the European Union?. Pp. 122 - 126 in: Gewinner und Verlierer post-sozialistischer Transformationsprozesse. Bremen: Forschungsstelle. more
Pfenning, Astrid, and Thomas Bahle (2002): Structures of Social Services in Germany. Pp. 68-91 in: Social services in transition - towards a European social services information system. Frankfurt am Main: Institut für Sozialarbeit und Sozialpädagogik. more
Poguntke, Thomas (2002): Party organizational linkage: Parties without firm social roots?. Pp. 43-62 in: Kurt Richard Luther, Ferdinand Müller-Rommel (Eds.) Political parties in the new Europe. Political and analytical challenges. 1st ed., Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press. more
Römmele, Andrea, and Hans-Dieter Klingemann (2002): Campaigns and Surveys: An Introduction. Pp. 1-7 in: Andrea Römmele, Hans-Dieter Klingemann (Eds.) Public Information Campaigns & Opinion Research. A Handbook for the Student & Practitioner. London: Sage. more
Römmele, Andrea, and Katrin Voltmer (2002): Information and Communication Campaigns: Linking Theory to Practice. Pp. 9-20 in: Andrea Römmele, Hans-Dieter Klingemann (Eds.) Public Information Campaigns & Opinion Research. A Handbook for the Student & Practitioner. London: Sage. more
Schimmelfennig, Frank (2002): Introduction: The Impact of International Organizations on the Central and East European States - Conceptual and Theoretical Issues. Pp. 1-29 in: Ronald B. Linden (Ed.) Norms and Nannies: The Impact of International Organizations on the Central and Eastern European States. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield. more
Schmitt, Hermann, and Jacques Thomassen (2002): Dynamic Representation: The Case of European Unification. Pp. 22-42 in: Pascal Perrineau, Colette Ysmal (Eds.) Europe at the Polls. 1st ed., New York: Palgrave. more
van Deth, Jan W. (2002): The proof of the pudding: Social capital, democracy and citizenship. Pp. 7-33 in: Social Capital in Democratic Politics. Exeter: Rusel. more
Bonin, Peter (2001): "Great Game" or New Cooperation? Russian Perspective on Future Developments in the Balkans. Pp. 181-193 in: Heiko Haumann, Dusan Simko (Eds.) Peace Perspectives for Southeast Europe. Proceedings of the Symposium 2000 Basel, Switzerland, 29-30 June 2000. Prag: Academia. more
