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Esser, Hartmut (2008): Spracherwerb und Einreisealter: Die schwierigen Bedingungen der Bilingualität. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, issue Sonderheft, pp. 202-229. more
Faas, Thorsten, Christian Mackenrodt and Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck (2008): Polls that Mattered: Effects of Media Polls on Voters’ Coalition Expectations and Party Preferences in the 2005 German Parliamentary Election. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 20, issue 3, pp. 299-325. more
Freitag, Markus, and Richard Traunmüller (2008): Sozialkapitalwelten in Deutschland. Soziale Netzwerke, Vertrauen und Reziprozitätsnormen im subnationalen Vergleich. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft/Comparative Governance and Politics, 2, issue 1 , pp. 221-256. more
Giesecke, Johannes, and Steffen Schindler (2008): Field of Study and Flexible Work. A Comparison between Germany and the UK. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 49, issue 4-5, pp. 283-304. more
Gschwend, Thomas, and Marc Hooghe (2008): Should I Stay or Should I Go? An Experimental Study on Voter Responses to Pre-Electoral Coalitions. European Journal of Political Research, 47, issue 5, pp. 556-577. more
Herrmann, Michael (2008): Moderat bevorzugt, extrem gewählt. Zum Zusammenhang von Präferenz und Wahlentscheidung in räumlichen Modellen sachfragenorientierten Wählens. Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 49, issue 1, pp. 20-45. more
Herrmann, Michael, and Franz Urban Pappi (2008): Strategic voting in German constituencies. Electoral Studies, 27, issue 2, pp. 228-244. more
Hillmann, Henning (2008): Localism and the Limits of Political Brokerage: Evidence from Revolutionary Vermont. American Journal of Sociology, 114, issue September, pp. 287-331. more
Hillmann, Henning (2008): Mediation in Multiple Networks: Elite Mobilization before the English Civil War. American Sociological Review, 73, issue June, pp. 426-454. more
Hüller, Thorsten (2008): Demokratisierung der EU durch Online Konsultationen?. Forschungsjournal Neue Soziale Bewegungen, 21, issue 2, pp. 73-82. more
