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136 results

Maucher, Mathias (2000): What Can We Learn about Social Welfare Institutions by Analyzing "The Cost of Social Security"? The Case of Portugal. EURODATA Newsletter, issue 11, pp. 13-20. more
Müller, Walter, Henning Lohmann and Silvia Luber (2000): Guest Editors' Introduction. Self-employment in Advanced Economies (I). International Journal of Sociology, 30, issue 3, pp. 3-4. more
Poguntke, Thomas (2000): Germany. European Journal of Political Research: Political Data Yearbook 2000, 38, issue 3-4, pp. 390-396. more
Rothenbacher, Franz (2000): The European Population: A Historical Data Handbook for 21 European Countries from 1850-1945. EURODATA Newsletter, issue 11, pp. 1-10. more
Schmitt, Hermann (2000): Dynamic Representation: the Case of European Integration. European Union Politics, issue 1, pp. 319-340. more
Shavit, Yossi, and Walter Müller (2000): Vocational secondary education. Where diversion and where safety net?. European Societies, 2, issue 1, pp. 29-50. more
Thurner, Paul W. (2000): The empirical application of the spatial theory of voting in multiparty systems with random utility models. Electoral Studies, issue 19, pp. 493-517. more
Thurner, Paul W., and Angelika Eymann (2000): Policy-specific alienation and indifference in the calculus of voting: A simultaneous model of party choice and abstention. Public Choice, issue 102, pp. 51-77. more
van Deth, Jan W. (2000): Interesting but irrelevant: Social capital and the saliency of politics in Western Europe. European Journal of Political Research, issue 37, pp. 115-147. more
van Deth, Jan W. (2000): Political interest and apathy: the decline of a gender gap?. Acta Politica, 35, issue 2, pp. 247-274. more
