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56 results

Sachweh, Patrick, Carsten G. Ullrich and Bernhard Christoph (2006): Die gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz der Sozialhilfe. Eine Untersuchung aus moralökonomischer Perspektive. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 58, issue 3, pp. 489-509. more
Schmitt, Hermann, and Andreas M. Wüst (2006): The Extraordinary Bundestag Election of 2005: The Interplay of Long-term Trends and Short-term Factors. German Politics and Society, 24, issue 1, pp. 27-46. more
Schmitt, Hermann, and Andreas M. Wüst (2006): "Pallaplos exairetiches" oi omospondiaches echloges tou septembriou 2005 ste Germania. Episteme Kai Koinonia (Science and Society. Journal of Political and Moral Theory), 16, pp. 179-201. more
Schmitt-Beck, Rüdiger, Stefan Weick and Bernhard Christoph (2006): Shaky attachments: Individual-level stability and change of partisanship among West German voters, 1984-2001. European Journal of Political Research, 45, issue 4, pp. 581-608. more
Sieberer, Ulrich (2006): Agenda setting in the German Bundestag. A weak government in a consensus democracy. German Politics, 15, issue 1, pp. 49-72. more
Sieberer, Ulrich (2006): Party unity in parliamentary democracies. A comparative analysis. Journal of Legislative Studies, 12, issue 2, pp. 150-178. more
Sieberer, Ulrich (2006): Strategische Zurückhaltung von Verfassungsgerichten. Gewaltenteilungsvorstellungen und die Grenzen der Justizialisierung. Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 16, issue 4, pp. 1299-1323. more
Thurner, Paul W., and Franz Urban Pappi (2006): Domestic and International Politics during EU Intergovernmental Conferences. Bridging the Gap between Negotiation Theory and Practice. Negotiation Journal, 22, issue 2, pp. 167-185. more
van Deth, Jan W., and Katja Neller (2006): Politisches Engagement in Europa. Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, issue 30-31, pp. 30-38. more
Weber, Hermann (2006): Hotel Lux. Die deutsche kommunistische Emigration in Moskau. Die politische Meinung, 51, issue 443, pp. 55-61. more
