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Page, Elina, Christopher Antoun, Jeffrey Gonzalez, Linda Kantor, Florian Keusch, Lauren Miller and Alexander Wenz (2023): Editorial: Recent Advances in Survey Methods for Collecting Food Data. Survey Methods: Insights from the Field, 1, issue 3 (Special Issue on Food Acquisition Research and Methods), pp. 1-8. more
Palma, Nicola, and Marc Debus (2023): The implications of the European financial crisis and parties’ positions on European integration on the outcomes of government formation processes in Southern Europe. South European Society and Politics, 28, issue 2, pp. 123-151. more
Rettig, Leonie, Lea Gärtner and Harald Schoen (2023): Facing trade-offs: The variability of public support for climate change policies. Environmental Science & Policy, 147, pp. 244-254. more
Rettig, Tobias, and Bella Struminskaya (2023): Memory Effects in Online Panel Surveys: Investigating Respondents’ Ability to Recall Responses from a Previous Panel Wave. Survey Research Methods, 17, issue 3, pp. 301-322. more
Rettig, Tobias, Annelies G. Blom and Jan Karem Höhne (2023): Memory Effects: A Comparison Across Question Types. Survey Research Methods, 17, issue 1, pp. 37-50. more
Revilla, Melanie, Jan Karem Höhne and Tobias Rettig (2023): Differences in Measurement Quality Depending on Recall: Results for a Question About Trust in the Parliament. Quality & Quantity, 57, pp. 2125–2146. more
Rittmann, Oliver, Marie-Lou Sohnius and Thomas Gschwend (2023): Candidate awareness in mixed-member electoral systems: A data-driven approach. Electoral Studies, 86, (article no. 102700), pp. 1-13. more
Salwender, Mona, Christiane Schoel, Herbert Bless and Dagmar Stahlberg (2023): The politics hurdle: Joint effect of organizational culture and gender on lack of fit experiences. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 14, issue 1, pp. 84-92. more
Schaub, Max, and Daniel Auer (2023): Rebel Recruitment and Migration: Theory and Evidence From Southern Senegal. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 67, issue 6, pp. 1155-1182. more
Schimpf, Christian, Alexander Wuttke and Harald Schoen (2023): Neither a Trait nor Wildly Fluctuating: On the Stability of Populist Attitudes and its Implications for Empirical Research. British Journal of Political Science , 54, issue 3, pp. 979-992. more
