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1589 results

Faas, Thorsten (2012): Das Internet als Wahlkampfinstrument. [Akademiekonferenz “Internet & Partizipation”, Universität Hamburg, December 01st, 2012] more
Faas, Thorsten (2012): Mehr Demokratie = Weniger Gleichheit?. [Fachveranstaltung "Einmischen erwünscht", Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Rheinland-Pfalz, Mainz, September 05th, 2012] more
Faas, Thorsten (2012): Politische Kommunikation im Vorfeld des Volksentscheids zu Stuttgart 21. [Demokratiekonferenz 2012, Aarau, June 21st to June 22nd, 2012] more
Faas, Thorsten (2012): Was verspricht die direkte Demokratie? Ergebnisse einer Befragung zur Volksabstimmung zu Stuttgart 21. [Vortrag gehalten im Rahmen des Panels „Herausforderungen der repräsentativen Demokratie – Zustand und Perspektiven aus Sicht der Bevölkerung” im Rahmen des 25. Kongresses der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft (DVPW), Tübingen, September 24th to September 28th, 2012] more
Faas, Thorsten, and Johannes N. Blumenberg (2012): How to Measure Voting Intentions in Times of Growing Uncertainty and Volatility? A Comparison of Party Ratings, Propensities to Vote and Yet Another New Instrument. [2nd Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Berlin, June 21st to June 23rd, 2012] more
Faas, Thorsten, and Johannes N. Blumenberg (2012): Scrutinizing Dynamics: Rolling panel waves in theory and practice. [GOR 2012, Mannheim, March 05th to March 07th, 2012] more
Faas, Thorsten, and Johannes N. Blumenberg (2012): Scrutinizing Dynamics - Rolling Panel Waves in Theory and Practice. [General Online Research, DHBW, Mannheim, March 05th to March 07th, 2012] more
Fietkau, Sebastian (2012): Balkan Pop or Eurotrash – Yugoslavia and Its Successor States in the Eurovision Song Contest. [Europe and the Balkans: The 3rd workshop of the network Media and Memoria in South-Eastern Europe, Supetar/Island Brac, May 08th to May 13th, 2012] more
Finke, Daniel, and Dirk Junge (2012): Agenda Setting and Group Cohesion in the European Parliament. [Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, Tampere, September 13th to September 15th, 2012] more
Gebel, Michael (2012): Atypische Beschäftigung als Sprungbrett aus Arbeitslosigkeit und Armut?. [Invited lecture at IAB Colloquium, Nürnberg, July 05th, 2012] more
