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164 results

Ebbinghaus, Bernhard (2015): The reversal of early exit from work in ageing societies: Going beyond static regimes with temporal fuzzy set analysis. [Annual ESPAnet Conference, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, September 03rd to September 05th, 2015] more
Ebbinghaus, Bernhard (2015): Revisiting Pension Privatization in Europe. [Pension Forum 2015, School of Public Policy & Governance, University of Toronto, January 28th, 2015] more
Ebbinghaus, Bernhard (2015): Sozialstaatliche Akteurskonstellationen im OECD-Ländervergleich. [Doktorandenworkshop "Sozialstaatliche Interessenvertretung: Wandel der Akteurskonstellationen", Universität Kassel, June 26th to June 27th, 2015] more
Eck, Jennifer (2015): Moderatoren der unmittelbaren negativen Folgen von sozialem Ausschluss. [Invited talk, Universität Münster, July 01st, 2015] more
Eck, Jennifer, and Selma C. Rudert (2015): Symposium: Sozialer Ausschluss. [15. Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie (FGSP), Potsdam, September 06th to September 09th, 2015] more
Eck, Jennifer, Christiane Schoel, Marc-André Reinhard and Rainer Greifeneder (2015): Truth or lie? Wann und warum sozialer Ausschluss die Beurteilung von Lüge und Wahrheit verbessert. [Small Group Meeting on Threat and Morality, Kassel, March 12th to March 13th, 2015] more
Eck, Jennifer, Christiane Schoel, Marc-André Reinhard and Rainer Greifeneder (2015): Wahrheit oder Lüge? Der Einfluss von sozialem Ausschluss auf die Erkennung von Lüge und Wahrheit. [15. Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie (FGSP), Potsdam, September 06th to September 09th, 2015] more
Eder, Christina, and Thorsten Faas (2015): Gegen den Bahnhof = für grün-rot? Eine Analyse des Abstimmungsverhaltens beim Volksentscheid zu Stuttgart 21 in Baden-Württemberg 2011. [Jahrestagung des DVPW-Arbeitskreises "Wahlen und politische Einstellungen", Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Düsseldorf, June 11th to June 12th, 2015] more
Esser, Hartmut (2015): Ability Tracking and Educational Inequality: Two Approaches, a Comprehensive Model and Empirical Evidence from the BiKS. A Comparison between Bavaria and Hesse in Germany. [Conference on "(Persistent) Inequalities Reconsidered: Education and Social Mobility", Ascona, July 26th to July 31st, 2015] more
Esser, Hartmut (2015): Institutional sorting and educational poverty: Is ability tracking really (nothing but) responsible for stronger social (and ethnic) educational inequalities? A comparison between Bavaria and Hesse in Germany. [Conference "Rational Choice Sociology: Theory and Empirical Applications", International University, San Servolo (Venice), November 16th to November 18th, 2015] more
