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1059 results

Imre, Michael, Alejandro Ecker, Thomas M. Meyer and Wolfgang C. Müller (2019): If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands: coalition mood in European parliamentary democracies. [ECPR General Conference, Wrocław, September 04th to September 07th, 2019] more
Imre, Michael, Alejandro Ecker, Thomas M. Meyer and Wolfgang C. Müller (2019): If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands: coalition mood in European parliamentary democracies. [Summer School of ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments, Lisbon, July 23rd to August 02nd, 2019] more
Jäger, Kai (2019): When Do Campaign Effects Persist for Years? Evidence from a Natural Experiment. [115th American Political Science Association’s Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Washington, DC, August 29th to September 01st, 2019] more
Keusch, Florian (2019): Coverage and nonparticipation error in smartphone data collection. [AAPOR 74th Annual Conferernce, Toronto, May 16th to May 19th, 2019] more
Keusch, Florian, Georg-Christoph Haas, Ruben L. Bach and Frauke Kreuter (2019): Social desirability in passive mobile data collection. [8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Zagreb, July 15th to July 19th, 2019] more
Keusch, Florian, Mark Trappmann, Georg-Christoph Haas, Sebastian Bähr and Frauke Kreuter (2019): Enriching an ongoing panel survey with mobile phone measures: The IAB-SMART study. [DAGStat Conference 2019, Munich, March 18th to March 22nd, 2019] more
Kieslich, Pascal J., Bence Palfi, Dirk U. Wulff, Barnabas Szaszi and Balazs Aczel (2019): Tracking changes of mind through mouse movements. [49th Annual Meeting of the Society for Computers in Psychology, Montréal, November 14th, 2019] more
Kieslich, Pascal J., Bence Palfi, Dirk U. Wulff, Barnabas Szaszi and Balazs Aczel (2019): Tracking changes of mind through mouse movements. [60th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Montréal, November 14th to November 17th, 2019] more
Kieslich, Pascal J., Dirk U. Wulff, Felix Henninger, Jonas M. B. Haslbeck and Michael Schulte-Mecklenbeck (2019): Mousetrap: Open-source tools for advanced analyses of mouse-tracking data. [61st Conference of Experimental Psychologists, London, April 15th to April 17th, 2019] more
Kieslich, Pascal J., Felix Henninger, Dirk U. Wulff, Jonas M. B. Haslbeck and Michael Schulte-Mecklenbeck (2019): Uncovering judgement and decision‐making processes using mouse‐tracking: Software, analysis, and application. [Subjective Probability, Utility & Decision Making Conference 2019, Amsterdam, August 18th to August 22nd, 2019] more
