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175 results

Schmitt, Hermann (2007): The Nature of European Issues: Conceptual Clarifications and Some Empirical Evidence. Pp. 11-22 in: Claes de Vreese, Hermann Schmitt (Eds.) A European Public Sphere: How much of it do we have and how much do we need?. Mannheim: MZES. more
Schmitt, Hermann (2007): Zur Dynamik der europäischen Identität. Welt Trends, 15, issue 54, pp. 53-68. more
Schmitt, Hermann, and Angelika Scheuer (2007): Public Policy Mood and Support for European Integration in Germany. Brüssel more
Schmitt, Hermann, and Cees van der Eijk (2007): Non-voting in European Parliament elections and support for European integration. Pp. 145-167 in: Wouter van der Brug, Cees van der Eijk (Eds.) European Elections & Domestic Politics. Lessons from the Past and Scenarios for the Future. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press. more
Schmitt, Hermann, and Jacques Thomassen (2007): System stran EU po rozsireni na vychod. Pp. 195-210 in: Lukas Kinek, Jan Outly (Eds.) Volby do Evropskeho parlametu 2004. Praha: Sociologicky ustav Akademi ved CR. more
Schmitt, Hermann, and Wouter van der Brug (2007): Class, religion and the vote in Europe. Helsinki more
Schulze, Isabelle (2007): Luxembourg: an electoral system with panache. Pp. 804-853 in: Ellen M. Immergut, Karen M. Anderson, Isabelle Schulze (Eds.) The Handbook of West European Pension Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. more
Schulze, Isabelle, and Martin Schludi (2007): Austria: from electoral cartels to competitive coalition-building. Pp. 555-604 in: Ellen M. Immergut, Karen M. Anderson, Isabelle Schulze (Eds.) The Handbook of West European Pension Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. more
Schulze, Isabelle, and Michael Moran (2007): Ireland: Pensioning the ‘Celtic Tiger’. Pp. 758-803 in: Ellen M. Immergut, Karen M. Anderson, Isabelle Schulze (Eds.) The Handbook of West European Pension Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. more
Schulze, Isabelle, and Michael Moran (2007): United Kingdom: pension politics in an adversarial system. Pp. 49-96 in: Ellen M. Immergut, Karen M. Anderson, Isabelle Schulze (Eds.) The Handbook of West European Pension Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. more
