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335 results

Bräuninger, Thomas, and Martin Brunner (2013): Cosponsorship Networks in the German Bundestag: Evidence for Personal or Party Behavior?. [Workshop: Legislative Networks in a Transatlantic Perspective, European Union Center of Excellence, Madison, WI, April 15th, 2013] more
Bräuninger, Thomas, and Nathalie Giger (2013): Strategic ambiguity of party positions in multiparty settings. [Gastvortrag, Universität St. Gallen, October 09th, 2013] more
Bräuninger, Thomas, Jochen Müller and Christian Stecker (2013): Strategic voting in roll calls. Pitfalls of ideal point estimation in parliamentary systems. [71st Annual Conference - Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, April 11th to April 14th, 2013] more
Bräuninger, Thomas, Jochen Müller and Christian Stecker (2013): Strategic voting in roll calls. Pitfalls of ideal point estimation in parliamentary systems. [3rd Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Barcelona, June 20th to June 22nd, 2013] more
Bäck, Hanna, Marc Debus and Jochen Müller (2013): Who takes the parliamentary floor? Party- and gender-specific issue attention in speech-making in the Swedish Riksdag. [European Political Science Association Annual Conference, Barcelona, June 20th to June 22nd, 2013] more
Bäck, Hanna, Marc Debus, Jochen Müller and Henry Bäck (2013): Regional Government Formation in Varying Multilevel Contexts: A Comparison of Eight European Countries. Regional Studies, 47, issue 3, pp. 368-387. more
Carol, Sarah (2013): Intermarriage Attitudes Among Minority and Majority Groups in Western Europe: The Role of Attachment to the Religious In-Group. International Migration, 51, issue 3, pp. 67-83. more
Carol, Sarah, and Ruud Koopmans (2013): Dynamics of contestation over Islamic religious rights in Western Europe. Ethnicities, 13, issue 2, pp. 165-190. more
Debus, Marc (2013): Koalitionspräferenzen als erklärende Komponente des Wahlverhaltens: Eine Untersuchung anhand der Bundestagswahl 2009. Pp. 57-76 in: Thorsten Faas, Kai Arzheimer, Sigrid Roßteutscher, Bernhard Weßels (Eds.) Koalitionen, Kandidaten, Kommunikation: Analysen zur Bundestagswahl 2009. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. more
Debus, Marc, and Jochen Müller (2013): Do Voters’ Coalition Preferences Affect Government Formation?. West European Politics, 36, issue 5, pp. 1007-1028. more
