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352 results

Ghani, Rayid, and Malte Schierholz (2017): Machine Learning. Pp. 147-186 in: Ian Foster, Rayid Ghani, Ron S. Jarmin, Frauke Kreuter, Julia Lane (Eds.) Big Data and Social Science: A Practical Guide to Methods and Tools. Boca Raton: Chapman and Hall/CRC. more
Gohdes, Anita R., and Sabine C. Carey (2017): Canaries in the Coal Mine: What the killings of journalists tell us about future repression. Journal of Peace Research, 54, issue 2, pp. 157–174. more
Golder, Sona N., Ignacio Lago, André Blais, Elisabeth Gidengil and Thomas Gschwend (2017): Multi-Level Electoral Politics. Beyond the Second-Order Election Model. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Comparative Politics] more
Granato, Nadia (2017): Geschlechterungleichheit in Führungspositionen: Der Einfluss von Arbeitsmarktsegregation und beruflichen Opportunitätsstrukturen. Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 46, issue 3, pp. 185-200. more
Grill, Christiane (2017): Longitudinal Data Analysis, Panel Data Analysis. Pp. 1-9 in: Jörg Matthes (Ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. more
Grill, Christiane, and Hajo G. Boomgaarden (2017): A Network Perspective on Mediated Europeanized Public Spheres: Assessing the Degree of Europeanized Media Coverage in Light of the 2014 European Parliament Election. European Journal of Communication, 32, issue 6, pp. 568–582. more
Gross, Martin (2017): Does anyone care? Explaining the variation in sub-national parties’ emphasis of European issues and EU Cohesion policy. [1st Regional Research and Networking Conference, Heidelberg, January 27th, 2017] more
Gross, Martin (2017): Economic hardship and the policy emphases of political parties in the last weeks of an election campaign: Evidence from nine European countries. [75th Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 06th to April 09th, 2017] more
Gross, Martin (2017): Großstadt ist nicht gleich Großstadt: Erklärungsfaktoren für die Unterschiede bei kommunalen Koalitionsverhandlungen und Koalitionsvereinbarungen. Pp. 193-219 in: Marlon Barbehön, Sybille Münch (Eds.) Variationen des Städtischen - Variationen lokaler Politik. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. more
Gross, Martin (2017): Machtstrukturen in der lokalen Politik. Pp. 111-149 in: Markus Tausendpfund, Angelika Vetter (Eds.) Politische Einstellungen von Kommunalpolitikern im Vergleich. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. more
