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1510 results

Kühhirt, Michael (2012): Childbirth and the long-term division of labour within couples: How do substitution, bargaining power, and norms affect parents’ time allocation in West Germany?. European Sociological Review, 28, issue 5, pp. 565-582. more
Kühhirt, Michael, and Volker Ludwig (2012): Domestic Work and the Wage Penalty for Motherhood in West Germany. Journal of Marriage and Family, 74, issue 1, pp. 186–200. more
Lefkofridi, Zoe, Nathalie Giger and Kathrin Kissau (2012): Inequality and Representation in Europe. Journal of Representation, 48, issue 1, pp. 1-11. more
Lehrer, Roni (2012): Intra-Party Democracy and Party Responsiveness. West European Politics, 35, issue 6, pp. 1295-1319. more
Leopold, Thomas, Ferdinand Geißler and Sebastian Pink (2012): How far do children move? Spatial distances after leaving the parental home. Social Science Research, 41, issue 4, pp. 991-1002. more
Myant, Martin, and Jan Drahokoupil (2012): International Integration, Varieties of Capitalism and Resilience to Crisis in Transition Economies. Europe-Asia Studies , 64, issue 1, pp. 1-33. more
Myant, Martin, and Jan Drahokoupil (2012): Transition Indicators of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development: A Doubtful Guide to Economic Success. Competition and Change, 16, issue 1, pp. 69-75. more
Neugebauer, Martin, and Steffen Schindler (2012): Early transitions and tertiary enrolment: The cumulative impact of primary and secondary effects on entering university in Germany. Acta Sociologica, 55, issue 1, pp. 19-36. more
Niebuhr, Annekatrin, Nadia Granato, Anette Haas and Silke Hamann (2012): Does Labour Mobility Reduce Disparities between Regional Labour Markets in Germany?. Regional Studies, 46, issue 7, pp. 841-858. more
Noelke, Clemens, Michael Gebel and Irena Kogan (2012): Uniform inequalities: Institutional differentiation and the transition from higher education to work in post-socialist Central and Eastern Europe. European Sociological Review, 28, issue 6, pp. 704-716. more
