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Boomgaarden, Hajo G., and Andreas M. Wüst (2012): Religion and Party Positions towards Turkish EU Accession. Comparative European Politics, 10, issue 2, pp. 180–197. more
Bräuninger, Thomas (2012): Fruchtbarer Boden oder doch nur Wüste? Eine Replik auf Tina Freyburg, Zeitschrfit für Internationale Beziehungen. Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, issue 19, pp. 85-101. more
Bräuninger, Thomas, Martin Brunner and Thomas Däubler (2012): Personal Vote-Seeking in Flexible List Systems: How Electoral Incentives Shape Belgian MPs' Bill Initiation Behaviour. European Journal of Political Research, 51, issue 5, pp. 607-645. more
Dassonneville, Ruth, Marc Hooghe and Bram Vanhoutte (2012): Age, Period and Cohort Effects in the Decline of Party Identification in Germany: An Analysis of a Two Decade Panel Study in Germany (1992–2009). German Politics, 21, issue 2, pp. 209–227. more
Debus, Marc, and Jochen Müller (2012): Bewertung möglicher Regierungen oder Spiegel des politischen Wettbewerbs? Determinanten der Koalitionspräferenzen der Wähler in den Bundesländern von 1990 bis 2009. Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 22, issue 2, pp. 159-186. more
Dellmuth, Lisa Maria, and Michael Stoffel (2012): Distributive politics and intergovernmental transfers: The local allocation of European Union structural funds. European Union Politics, 13, issue 3, pp. 413-433. more
Drahokoupil, Jan (2012): Beyond lock-in versus evolution, towards punctuated co-evolution: On Ron Martin's 'Rethinking regional path dependence'. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 36, issue 1, pp. 166-177. more
Drahokoupil, Jan, and Stefan Domonkos (2012): Averting the funding–gap crisis: East European pension reforms after 2008. Global Social Policy, 12, issue 3, pp. 283-299. more
Däubler, Thomas (2012): Wie entstehen Wahlprogramme? Eine Untersuchung zur Landtagswahl in Baden-Württemberg 2006. Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 22, issue 3, pp. 333-365. more
Däubler, Thomas, Kenneth Benoit, Slava Mikhaylov and Michael Laver (2012): Natural Sentences as Valid Units for Coded Political Texts. British Journal of Political Science, 42, issue 4, pp. 937-951. more
