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Jung, Jae-Hee, and Zeynep Somer-Topcu (2022): United we stand, divided we fall? The effects of parties’ Brexit rhetoric on voters’ perceptions of party positions. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 32, issue 3, pp. 596-614. more
Jäckle, Annette, Alexander Wenz, Jonathan Burton and Mick P. Couper (2022): Increasing participation in a mobile app study: The effects of a sequential mixed-mode design and in-interview invitation. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 10, issue 4, pp. 898–922. more
Kalleitner, Fabian, Monika Mühlböck and Bernhard Kittel (2022): What’s the Benefit of a Video? The Effect of Nonmaterial Incentives on Response Rate and Bias in Web Surveys. Social Science Computer Review, 40, issue 3, pp. 700–716. more
Kalter, Frank (2022): Integration in migration societies. Pp. 135-153 in: Klarita Gerxhani, Nan de Graaf, Werner Raub (Eds.) Handbook of Sociological Science. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. more
Karakasheva, Ralitsa, Jascha Achterberg, Jana Berkessel, Alessia Cottone, Julia Dhar, Jon Jachimowicz, Yuna Lee, Ashley Whillans, Kai Ruggeri and Ludvig Bjorndal (2022): Work and workplace decision-making. Pp. 157-178 in: Kai Ruggeri (Ed.) Psychology and Behavioral Economics: Applications for Public Policy. 2nd edition, London: Routledge. more
Kern, Christoph, Frederic Gerdon, Ruben L. Bach, Florian Keusch and Frauke Kreuter (2022): Humans versus machines: Who is perceived to decide fairer? Experimental evidence on attitudes toward automated decision-making. Patterns, 3, issue 10, (article no. 100591) e-only. more
Keusch, Florian, and Frauke Kreuter (2022): Digital trace data. Modes of data collection, applications, and errors at a glance. Pp. 100-118 in: Uwe Engel, Anabel Quan-Haase, Sunny Liu, Lars E. Lyberg (Eds.) Handbook of Computational Social Science. Volume 1. Theory, Case Studies and Ethics. London: Routledge. more
Keusch, Florian, and Frederick G. Conrad (2022): Using smartphones to capture and combine self-reports and passively measured behavior in social research. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 10, issue 4, pp. 863–885. more
Keusch, Florian, Alexander Wenz and Frederick G. Conrad (2022): Do you have your smartphone with you? Behavioral barriers for measuring everyday activities with smartphone sensors. Computers in Human Behavior, 127, issue February 2022, (article no. 107054). more
Khalil, Samir, and Elias Naumann (2022): Does Contact with Foreigners Reduce Worries about Immigration? A Longitudinal Analysis in Germany. European Sociological Review, 38, issue 2, pp. 189–201. more
