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Bender, Benedikt (2019): Dealing with the Crisis in Europe: Social Concertation at a Cross-Road. [Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) Conference, New York City, June 27th to June 29th, 2019] more
Bender, Benedikt (2019): Revisiting social concertation in Europe: A fsQCA-comparison of social partner involvement since the 2008 crisis. [Department of Social Policy and Intervention, Oxford, February 28th, 2019] more
Bender, Benedikt (2019): Social Concertation or Contention? The Role of Social Partners during the Great Recession in Europe. [26th International Conference of Europeanists, Madrid, June 20th to June 22nd, 2019] more
Berkessel, Jana, Friederike Funk and Mirella Walker (2019): Source memory for remorseful faces: How does perceiving remorse affect memory for faces and their expressions?. [Convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Portland, OR, February 07th to February 09th, 2019] more
Berkessel, Jana, Jascha Achterberg, Gerhard Prinz, Alessandra Luna-Navarro, Jon Jachimowicz and Ashley Whillans (2019): Work and Workplace. Pp. 156-173 in: Kai Ruggeri (Ed.) Behavioral Insights for Public Policy: Concepts and Cases. London: Routledge. more
Berkessel, Jana, Jochen E. Gebauer, Mohsen Joshanloo, Wiebke Bleidorn, Peter Jason Rentfrow, Samuel D. Gosling and Jeff Potter (2019): Can money buy you happiness? Using big data to test country-level moderators of the link between social class and well-being.. [Summer Forum Psychology: Big Data in Personality and Social Psychology, St. Louis, MO, August 02nd to August 04th, 2019] more
Berkessel, Jana, Jochen E. Gebauer, Mohsen Joshanloo, Wiebke Bleidorn, Peter Jason Rentfrow, Samuel D. Gosling and Jeff Potter (2019): Why does the strength of the relation between social class and psychological health vary between countries? Testing two competitive explanations. [17th Conference of the Social Psychology Section of the German Society for Psychology, Cologne, September 16th to September 18th, 2019] more
Berkessel, Jana, Jochen E. Gebauer, Wiebke Bleidorn, Peter Jason Rentfrow, Samuel D. Gosling and Jeff Potter (2019): Does high social class necessarily predict high self-esteem? Comparing country-level moderators of the social class-self-esteem link. [Pre-Conference “Self & Identity” of the Convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Portland, OR, February 07th, 2019] more
Berkessel, Jana, Tobias Ebert and Andreas Nehrlich (2019): Are obese people more likely to be single everywhere? Examining context-specificity in the association between obesity and relationship-status. [International Convention of Psychological Science, Paris, March 07th to March 09th, 2019] more
Bernauer, Julian, and Adrian Vatter (2019): Power Diffusion and Democracy: Institutions, Deliberation and Outcomes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. more
