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355 results

Cohen, Denis, Marcel Neunhoeffer and Oliver Rittmann (2021): Teaching Quantitative Social Science in Times of COVID-19: How to Generate and Distribute Individualized Exams with R and RMarkdown, Methods Bites - Blog of the MZES Social Science Data Lab, more
Dollmann, Jörg, Jan O. Jonsson, Carina Mood and Frida Rudolphi (2021): Ethnic gaps in Swedish upper secondary school completion: Is 'immigrant optimism' the problem?. Ithaca, NY [SocArXiv papers] more
Tamara Gutfleisch: An introduction to factorial survey experiments. Online: URL: more
Jünger, Stefan, and Denis Cohen (2021): Using Geospatial Data in R, Methods Bites - Blog of the MZES Social Science Data Lab, more
Kleinewiese, Julia (2021): Bleiben oder gehen? Wie soziale Kohäsion die Migrationsabsichten von syrischen Immigrant*innen im Libanon beeinflusst. Berlin [DeZIMinutes; 5] more
Kuppler, Matthias, Christoph Kern, Ruben L. Bach and Frauke Kreuter (2021): Distributive Justice and Fairness Metrics in Automated Decision-making: How Much Overlap Is There?. Ithaca, NY [arXiv preprint] more
Shunk, Graham, Xavier Gomez, Christoph Kern and Nils Averesch (2021): A Self-Replicating Radiation-Shield for Human Deep-Space Exploration: Radiotrophic Fungi can Attenuate Ionizing Radiation aboard the International Space Station. [bioRxiv preprint] more
Vehrkamp, Robert, and Theres Matthieß (2021): Versprechen gehalten - Schlussbilanz zum Koalitionsvertrag der GroKo. Gütersloh [Einwurf – Ein Policy Brief der Bertelsmann Stiftung; 2021/3] more
Autenrieth, Ingo, Katja Becker, Stephan Becker, Dirk Brockmann, Katharina Domschke, Christian Drosten, Ute Frevert, Bärbel Friedrich, Jutta Gärtner, Gerald Haug and others (2020): Coronavirus-Pandemie: Wirksame Regeln für Herbst und Winter aufstellen: 6. Ad-hoc-Stellungnahme - 23. September 2020. Halle [Ad-hoc-Stellungnahme / Leopoldina; 6] more
Bischoff, Lars, Theres Matthieß and Robert Vehrkamp (2020): Regieren in Zeiten der Pandemie, Vielfalt leben - Gesellschaft gestalten more
