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Gschwend, Thomas (2007): Vorhersagen müssen keine Hexerei sein: Ein sozialwissenschaftliches Prognosemodell für Bundestagswahlen. [Seminar, Universität Darmstadt, June 15th, 2007] more
Gschwend, Thomas (2007): Wahlprognosen sind keine Hexerei - Vorhersagemodelle zum Mimachen. [Die Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft, Mannheim, November 10th, 2007] more
Gschwend, Thomas, and Marc Hooghe (2007): Voter Responses to Pre-Electoral Coalitions in Belgium. Results from an Experimental Study. [International Conference on Experimental Methods in Political Science, Brüssel, December 14th, 2007] more
Gschwend, Thomas, and Michael F. Meffert (2007): Strategic Voting under Proportional Representation and Coalition Governments: A Case for Experimental Triangulation. [International Conference on Experimental Methods in Political Science, Brüssel, December 14th, 2007] more
Gschwend, Thomas, and Michael F. Meffert (2007): Strategic Voting under Proportional Representation & Coalition Governments: A Simulation and Laboratory Experiment. [Forschungskolloquium, Lambrecht/Pfalz, July 20th to July 21st, 2007] more
Gschwend, Thomas, and Michael F. Meffert (2007): Voting for Coalitions? The Role of Coalition Preferences and Expectations in Voting Behavior. [Voters, Coalitions, and Democratic Accountability, Workshop, Exeter, October 05th to October 06th, 2007] more
Gschwend, Thomas, and Thomas Zittel (2007): Individualisierte Wahlkämpfe im Wahlkreis: Eine Analyse am Beispiel des Bundestagswahlkampfes von 2005. [Wahlen und Repräsentation im politischen System der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Köln, March 26th, 2007] more
Herrmann, Michael (2007): Moderat präferiert, extrem gewählt: Zum Zusammenhang von Präferenz und Wahlentscheidung in räumlichen Modellen sachfragenorientierten Wählens. [Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Wahlen und politische Einstellungen, Mainz, July 12th to July 13th, 2007] more
Herrmann, Michael (2007): Weighting Preference Against Performance: Voter Behavior in Parliamentary Democracies. [MZES Workshop "Voters and Coalition Government", Mannheim, November 23rd to November 24th, 2007] more
Herrmann, Michael, Susumu Shikano and Christian H.C.A. Henning (2007): Political Environment and Voter Behavior: A Spatial Theory of Outcome Oriented Voting. [World Meeting of the Public Choice Society, Amsterdam, March 29th to April 01st, 2007] more
