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180 results

Ebbinghaus, Bernhard (2008): Pension Governance and Social Inequality in Old Age: A European Comparison. [EQUALSOC Midterm Conference, Berlin, April 11th to April 12th, 2008] more
Ebbinghaus, Bernhard (2008): Pension Systems and Old Age Income in Europe. [Labor market flexibilization and its effects on the late career (FlexCareer), Universität Leipzig, October 18th, 2008] more
Ebbinghaus, Bernhard (2008): Pfadabhängigkeit oder Pfadabweichungen? Institutioneller Wandel der Alterssicherung in Europa. [Center for Globalization and Goverance (CGG) Lecture Series, Hamburg, November 05th, 2008] more
Ebbinghaus, Bernhard (2008): Social Partners and Social Policy in Europe and the USA: Politics Against or for Markets?. ["The Two Wests: Democracy,Citizenship and Social Rights in the United States and Europe", CISPEA, Vercelli & Torino, May 23rd to May 24th, 2008] more
Ebbinghaus, Bernhard (2008): Sozialstaatsreformen in Europa. Können wir von einander lernen?. [Josef Popper-Nährpflicht-Stiftung Forschungspreis 2007, Frankfurt, February 04th, 2008] more
Ebbinghaus, Bernhard (2008): Studying institutional change across time and space. [The Role of Ideas, Discourses and Frames in Welfare Policies, Ph.D. Research School, Aalborg University, Aalborg, October 01st to October 03rd, 2008] more
Ebbinghaus, Bernhard (2008): W. Knöbl, Die Kontingenz der Moderne. [34. Kongress der deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Jena, October 09th, 2008] more
Ebbinghaus, Bernhard, and Jörg Neugschwender (2008): Welchen Beitrag können Zusatzrentensysteme zur Vermeidung von Altersarmut leisten?. [Alterssicherung im internationalen Vergleich, Bensheim, October 15th to October 17th, 2008] more
Esser, Hartmut (2008): Streitfall Bilingualität oder: Warum es nicht egal ist, was man in den Sozialwissenschaften tut, wenn man etwas gesellschaftlich verändern will. [Vorlesungsreihe "Zeitgenössische soziologische Theorien, Zentrale Beiträge aus Deutschland" des Instituts für Soziologie der RWTH Aachen, Aachen, February 06th, 2008] more
Faas, Thorsten, and Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck (2008): Voters? Political Conversations during the 2005 German Parliamentary Election Campaign: Causes and Consequences. [Elections, Public Opinion and Parties (EPOP) Annual Conference, Manchester, September 12th to September 14th, 2008] more
