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1589 results

Kleinewiese, Julia (2020): Putting D-efficiency under the microscope: Impacts of design resolution on aliasing and sample size in factorial surveys. [40th Congress of the German Sociological Association, online conference, September 14th to September 24th, 2020] more
Krapf, Sandra (2020): Fertility Patterns of the Descendants of Turkish Immigrants in Germany. [40. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, (virtual conference), September 14th to September 24th, 2020] more
Krapf, Sandra, and Marcel Raab (2020): Children’s Well-Being in Stepfamilies: The Importance of Financial Resources and Parent-Child Relationship Quality. [18th Meeting of the European Network for the Sociological and Demographic Study of Divorce, (virtual conference), October 14th to October 16th, 2020] more
Kreuter, Frauke (2020): Akzeptanz App-basierter Kontaktnachverfolgung von Covid-19. [Seminar Series, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, (virtual), April 22nd, 2020] more
Kreuter, Frauke (2020): Combining Data Sources. [Women in Data Science (WIDS Bonn 2020), (virtual conference), September 25th, 2020] more
Kreuter, Frauke (2020): Data Collection in the Area of Digitalization: Understanding Data Generating Processes. [Herausforderung Datenqualität: Forschung im digitalen Wandel, Hannover, February 27th to February 28th, 2020] more
Kreuter, Frauke (2020): Datenschätze und wie man sich davon blenden lässt. [KI Lab Rhein-Neckar, (virtual), July 24th, 2020] more
Kreuter, Frauke (2020): Discussion - Time Series Modelling to Produce Economic Indicators in (near) Real-time. [Statistics Canada, (virtual), June 06th, 2020] more
Kreuter, Frauke (2020): Facebook COVID-19 Symptom Survey Partnerships. [Workshop "Data Collection in a time of multiple crises", Australian National University, (virtual), May 21st, 2020] more
Kreuter, Frauke (2020): FairADM - Fairness in Automated Decision-Making. [Kick-Off Event AI Research, BW Stiftung, (virtual), July 13th, 2020] more
