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3473 results

Morgenstern, Sandra (2023): Quantitative measurements of migration decision making: How a more differentiated measurement perspective provides new insights on gender imbalances. [20th IMISCOE Annual Conference, Warsaw, July 03rd to July 06th, 2023] more
Morgenstern, Sandra, and Felix Jäger (2023): Can emotions explain how threat rhetoric shapes preferences for freedom versus security?. [PolMETH Europe, London, June 19th to June 20th, 2023] more
Morgenstern, Sandra, and Julia Kleinewiese (2023): Can (s)he be protected? Experimental evidence on vulnerabilities to exploitative labour migration offers in Tanzania. [9th Annual Conference on Migration and Diversity, Berlin, October 11th to October 13th, 2023] more
Müller, Klara (2023): Election Outcomes as Drivers of Panel Attrition? Investigating Winner-Loser Effects in Post-Election Survey Participation. [WAPOR 76th Annual Conference, Salzburg, September 19th to September 22nd, 2023] more
Müller, Klara (2023): Political Events as Drivers of Survey Nonresponse? Effects of Election Outcomes on Individuals’ Willingness to Participate in Surveys. [EPOP 2023 Conference, Southampton, September 08th to September 09th, 2023] more
Pankowska, Paulina, Florian Keusch, Ruben L. Bach and Alexandru Cernat (2023): Measuring Facebook Use: The Accuracy of Self-Reported Data vs. Digital Trace Data. [General Online Research 2023, Kassel, September 20th to September 22nd, 2023] more
Rajski, Hannah, and Martin Elff (2023): The Effect of Incumbents‘ Partisanship on the Formation of Party Identification. [ECPR General Conference, Prague, September 04th to September 08th, 2023] more
Rajski, Hannah, and Martin Elff (2023): The Effect of Incumbents‘ Partisanship on the Formation of Party Identification. [13th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association, Glasgow, June 22nd to June 24th, 2023] more
Rapp, Milena (2023): Eurosceptic Dominance Meets Reluctant Pro-Europeanism - The electoral salience of the European integration issue in national, multidimensional policy spaces. [13th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association, Glasgow, June 22nd to June 24th, 2023] more
Rapp, Milena (2023): Eurosceptic dominance meets reluctant pro-Europeanism: The electoral salience of the European integration issue in national, multidimensional policy spaces. [Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreis Europa- und Regionalismusforschung (DVPW), Saarbrücken, May 25th to May 26th, 2023] more
