The asymmetric pattern of voter positions and salience of environmental and immigration issues in European electorates: Incentives for issue expansion of Green and Right parties?.
[80th Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), Chicago, IL, April 13th to April 16th, 2023]
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Everyday Political Talk with Strangers: The Missing Link in the Deliberative System.
[80th Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), Chicago, IL, April 13th to April 16th, 2023]
Wie deliberativ ist die politische Alltagskommunikation?.
[Invited Talk at the Institut für Sozialwissenschaften der Universität Stuttgart - Abt. für Politische Theorie und Empirische Demokratieforschung, Stuttgart, June 04th, 2023]
Data Brief: Twenty years of offline meeting data of the German-language Wikipedia.
[WikiWorkshop, (virtual), May 11th, 2023]
Sharing Digital Traces: Experimental Evidence on the Influence of the Data Type, the Recipient, and a Safe Transmission.
[10th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Milan, July 17th to July 21st, 2023]
Vignette study on acceptability norms and personal willingness to share digital trace data.
[5th Current Innovations in Probability-based Household Internet Panel Research (CIPHER) Conference, Washington, DC, March 09th to March 10th, 2023]
Datensätze der DeZIM-Gemeinschaft: CILS4EU und CILS4NEPS.
[6. DeZIM-Tagung für Promovierende 2023, Berlin, October 25th to October 27th, 2023]
Obtaining consent for record linkage in panel surveys - a consent wording experiment using the CILS4EU-DE data.
[10th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Milan, July 17th to July 21st, 2023]
Government-opposition relations in the German state legislatures and citizens’ attitudes.
[8th Conference of the Standing Group on Parliaments (ECPR), Vienna, July 06th to July 08th, 2023]
When Policies Divide: The Effects of Face Veil Bans on Public Opinion.
[Empirical Political Science in Berlin and Brandenburg, Berlin, May 05th, 2023]