Romain Gary ou l'esprit de résistance.
[Lecture on the occasion of 'Lire en Fête 2004', service culturel de l'Ambassade de France en République de Biélorussie, Bibliothèque Pouchkine, Minsk, October 22nd, 2004]
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3473 results
Romain Gary/Emile Ajar ou la tentation d'être.
[Contribution to the Journée d'études Romain Gary 'Les Trente ans d'Emile Ajar', Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne, Paris, March 06th, 2004]
The Schuman declaration and the establishment of the European Community for Steel and Coal”,.
[2nd Workshop 'Training of the Trainers', Institute of European Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, March 23rd, 2004]
Understanding the History of European Integration as a Whole: Suggestion for an Analytical Framework.
[Kolloquium 'Department of Government and International Studies', Baptist University Hong Kong, October 28th, 2004]
Justifying European Integration: the role of political narratives on European history in the process of EU constitutionalisation.
[Workshop der Projektgruppe 'The shadows of the Past over the constitutionalization of Europe', Florenz, Europäische Hochschulinstitute, July 02nd to July 03rd, 2004]
Efficient and Legitimate Governance in the 'New' European Union.
[Netherland's Institute of Government Annual Work Conference 2004 / European Research Colloquium, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, October 29th to October 30th, 2004]
Domesticated Wolves? Length of Membership, State Size and Preference Formation at the European Convention.
[European Research Colloquium, Utrecht School of Governance, May 06th to May 08th, 2004]
Persistent Inequality? A Descriptive Reassessment of the Evidence for European Countries.
[European Society or European Societies? EURESCO/ECSR-Conference on the Causes and Consequences of Low Education in Contemporary Europe, Granada, September 18th to September 23rd, 2004]
Vortrag "Methodische Grundlagen der Netzwerkanalyse" und praktische Einführung in die Netzwerkanalyse mit dem Programm UCINET.
[Workshop Methoden, Theorie und Anwendung Quantitativer Netzwerkanalyse, Universität Kiel, Graduiertenkolleg 'Betriebswirtschaftliche Aspekte lose gekoppelter Systeme und Electronic Business', August 19th to August 20th, 2004]
Bildung und soziale Ungleichheit.
[Fachtagung Bildungsforschung – Bildungspolitik. Perspektiven und Herausforderungen für Gesellschaft und Gewerkschaften, Frankfurt/Main, November 26th, 2004]