Demokratie und Legitimität in der EU.
[Fakultätskolloquium SOWI, Universität Duisburg, June 16th, 2004]
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Ergebnisse der Europawahl 2004.
[Workshop 'Wähler und Parteien' der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Villa La Collina, Cadenabbia, July 29th to August 01st, 2004]
Ergebnisse der Europawahl 2004.
[Max-Weber-Summer School, Universidad International Menendez Pereira, Santander, August 10th to August 13th, 2004]
Ergebnisse der Europawahl 2004.
[Jahrestagung der Societa Italiana di Studi Electorali, Universtität Mailand, October 28th to October 29th, 2004]
Ergebnisse der Europawahl 2004.
['La construction européenne au prisme des élections au Parlement européen de juin 2004' - Einladung der Association Francaise des Sciences Politiques, Europaparlament Strasbourg, November 18th to November 19th, 2004]
European Election Studies, 1979 - 2004.
[Workshop 'The Impact and Utility of the Eurobarometer in Social Sciences and Humanities', EU Brüssel, November 29th to November 30th, 2004]
'Legitimacy and Democracy in the EU'.
[Public Lecture, University of Lisbon, June 02nd to June 04th, 2004]
Presentation of Stimulus Paper.
[Planning Committee and Public Conference on the Third Wave of the 'Comparative Study of Electoral Studies', Mexico City, March 31st to April 05th, 2004]
Defining Europe against its Past: France, Germany and the Sanctions against Austria.
[ECPR Standing Group on European Studies, 2nd Pan-European Conference: Implications of a wider Europe, Workshop on "Theorizing European Integration", Bologna, June 24th to June 26th, 2004]
Defining Europe against its Past - France, Germany and the Sanctions against Austria.
[Workshop der Projektgruppe "The shadows of the Past over the constitutionalization of Europe" (Prof. Joerges), Florenz, July 02nd to July 03rd, 2004]