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Zittel, Thomas (2004): What can ICTs do for Democracy?. [Fachkonferenz des Europarates, The Future of Democracy, Barcelona, November 17th to November 19th, 2004] more
Zmerli, Sonja (2004): 1. Civil society in Germany ten years after - still divided by the socialist legacy? 2. Political confidence in Europe. [Gastvorträge an der sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Katholischen Universität Löwen, Löwen, May 12th to May 13th, 2004] more
Gschwend, Thomas (2003): Comparative Politics of Strategic Voting: A Hierarchy of Electoral Systems. [Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA., August 28th to September 02nd, 2003] more
Gschwend, Thomas (2003): Comparative Politics of Strategic Voting: An Empirical Test of the Leys-Sartori Conjecture. [Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 03rd to April 06th, 2003] more
Zittel, Thomas (2003): Participatory Democracy and Political Participation. [Joint Sessions of Workshops of the European Consortium of Political Research, Edinburgh, March 28th to April 02nd, 2003] more
Gschwend, Thomas, and Chad King (2002): The Politics of Opinion Assignment: A Bayesian Hierarchical Approach. [Annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 25th to April 28th, 2002] more
Gschwend, Thomas, and Helmut Norpoth (2002): If the election were next Sunday...: A Forecast of the 2002 Bundestag Election. [Annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston, MA, August 29th to September 01st, 2002] more
Knodt, Michèle (2002): Vortrag und Paper: Die Europäische Union: Auf der Suche nach Legitimität. [Katholische Akademie in Bayern, Nürnberg, March 08th to March 09th, 2002] more
Lavine, Howard, and Thomas Gschwend (2002): Ideology and Rationality: Issue Constraint in Political Decision-Making. [Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Berlin, July 16th to July 20th, 2002] more
Zittel, Thomas (2002): Political Representation in the Network Society: The Americanization of European Systems of Responsible Party Government?. [Annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston, August 28th, 2002] more
