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188 results

Adendorf, Anna, Ines Rehbein, Oke Bahnsen, Thomas Gschwend, Simone Paolo Ponzetto and Lukas F. Stötzer (2021): Who wants to go with whom? Identifying coalition signals in newspaper articles using transfer learning. [11th Annual Meeting of the European Political Science Association, (virtual conference), June 24th to June 25th, 2021] more
Adendorf, Anna, Markus Baumann and Rosa M. Navarrete (2021): Tweeting Out Loud. Coalition Signals in Social Media. [11th Annual Meeting of the European Political Science Association, (virtual conference), June 24th to June 25th, 2021] more
Amaya, Ashley, Ruben L. Bach, Frauke Kreuter and Florian Keusch (2021): Measuring the Strength of Attitudes in Social Media Data. Pp. 163-192 in: Craig Hil, Paul P. Biemer, Trent Buskirk, Lilli Japec, Antje Kirchner, Stas Kolenikov, Lars E. Lyberg (Eds.) Big Data Meets Survey Science: A Collection of Innovative Methods. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. more
Ariaans, Mareike, and Nadine Reibling (2021): Die Medikalisierung des deutschen Armutsdiskurses. [DGMP/DGMS Kongres 2021: Psychosoziale Medizin in Zeiten des Umbruchs, (virtual conference), September 16th to September 17th, 2021] more
Ariaans, Mareike, and Nadine Reibling (2021): Die Rolle von Gesundheit und Krankheit im deutschen Armutsdiskurs: Eine Inhaltsanalyse der Armuts- und Reichtumsberichte. Zeitschrift für Sozialreform, 67, issue 2, pp. 123-152. more
Ariaans, Mareike, Philipp Linden and Claus Wendt (2021): Worlds of long-term care: A typology of OECD countries. Health Policy, 125, issue 5, pp. 609-617. more
Auer, Daniel (2021): Merchants of death: Arms imports and terrorism. European Economic Review, 137, (article no. 103813). more
Auer, Daniel, and Daniel Meierrieks (2021): Merchants of Death: Arms Imports and Terrorism. [Annual Conference of the Swiss Political Science Association, (virtual conference), February 04th to February 05th, 2021] more
Auer, Daniel, and Daniel Meierrieks (2021): Merchants of Death: Arms Imports and Terrorism. [11th Annual Meeting of the European Political Science Association, (virtual conference), June 24th to June 25th, 2021] more
Auer, Daniel, and Didier Ruedin (2021): Dynamics of Discrimination. [Workshop on Survey Experiments in Migration and Integration, (virtual workshop), January 08th, 2021] more
