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263 results

Catalan, Jordi (1995): The Development of Two European Peripheral Economics in the Long Term: Poland and Spain, 1450 - 1990. Mannheim [Arbeitsbereich III; 13] more
Eising, Rainer, and Beate Kohler-Koch (1995): Inflation und Zerfaserung: Trends der Interessenvermittlung in der Europäischen Gemeinschaft. Mannheim [Arbeitsbereich III; 08] more
Henning, Christian H.C.A., and Petri Uusikylä (1995): The Impact of Communication Networks on Political Bargaining among Public and Private Organizations. Theoretical Conceptions and Empirical Evidence?. Mannheim [Arbeitsbereich II; 10] more
Jachtenfuchs, Markus (1995): Theoretical Perspectives on European Governance. Mannheim [Arbeitsbereich III; 07] more
Jachtenfuchs, Markus, and Beate Kohler-Koch (1995): Regieren im dynamischen Mehrebenensystem. Mannheim [Arbeitsbereich III; 12] more
Jachtenfuchs, Markus, and Beate Kohler-Koch (1995): The Transformation of Governance in the European Union. Mannheim [Arbeitsbereich III; 11] more
Kohler-Koch, Beate (1995): Die Gestaltungsmacht organisierter Interessen. Mannheim [Arbeitsbereich III; 14] more
Kohler-Koch, Beate (1995): Regions as Political Actors in the Process of European Integration. A Research Design. Mannheim [Arbeitsbereich III; 09] more
Kohler-Koch, Beate (1995): The Strength of Weakness. The Transformation of Governance in the EU. Mannheim [Arbeitsbereich III; 10] more
König, Thomas (1995): From Intergovernmentalism to Party Politics? An Institutional Power Analysis of European Multi-Chamber Legislation from 1958 to 1995. Mannheim [Arbeitsbereich II; 11] more
