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Working Papers

Since the beginning of 1999 all working papers of the MZES have been published in one common working paper series (ISSN 1437-8574). The following working papers have been released and can be obtained from the MZES, University of Mannheim, D-68131 Mannheim. Tel. +49-621-181-2868, Fax +49-621-181-2866. Working papers published since 1997 are also available over the Internet and can be downloaded.

Carsten G. Ullrich: Deutungsmusteranalyse und diskursives Interview. Leitfadenkonstruktion, Interviewführung und Typenbildung. Mannheim: MZES, 1999 (Working Paper no. 3). ISSN 1437-8574.

Claus Wendt: Health Services for Children in Denmark, Germany, Austria and Great Britain. Mannheim: MZES, 1999 (Working Paper no. 4). ISSN 1437-8574.

Cornelia Kristen: Bildungs-entscheidungen und Bildungsungleichheit – ein Überblick über den Forschungsstand. Mannheim: MZES, 1999 (Working Paper no. 5). ISSN 1437-8574.

Hildegard Brauns, Markus Gangl and Stefani Scherer: Education and Unemployment: Patterns of Labour Market Entry in France, the United Kingdom and Germany. Mannheim: MZES, 1999 (Working Paper no. 6). ISSN 1437-8574.

Beate Kohler-Koch: A Constitution for Europe? Mannheim: MZES, 1999 (Working Paper no. 8).

Beate Kohler-Koch and Christine Quittkat: Intermediation of Interests in the European Union. Mannheim: MZES, 1999 (Working Paper no. 9).

Waldemar Lilli and Michael Diehl: Measuring National Identity. Mannheim: MZES, 1999 (Working Paper no. 10). ISSN 1437-8574.

Henning Lohmann, Silvia Luber and Walter Müller: Who is Self-Employed in France, the United Kingdom and West Germany? Patterns of Non-Agricultural Self-Employment. Mannheim: MZES, 1999 (Working Paper no. 11). ISSN 1437-8574.


Franz Rothenbacher: Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede der Familiensozialberichtserstattung in Europa. in Walter Bien/Richard Rathgeber (Hrsg.) : Die Familie in der Sozialberichterstattung; Opladen, Leske+ Budrich, 2000

Kirsten Scheiwe: Kinderkosten und Sorgearbeit im Recht: eine rechtsvergleichende Studie [Cost of Children and Care Work in Law: A Legal and Comparative Study]. Frankfurt a.M.: Klostermann, 1999. 428 pp. ISBN 3-465-02972-0. DM 98.00.

Who is responsible for the education of and care for children, how are the costs of children and care work divided up between mothers and fathers, the family and society? Legal norms and institutions offer different solutions to this societal problem. The decisions regarding the division of work have a decisive impact on inequalities between women and men. A comparative analysis of four countries (Belgium, Germany, Sweden and the United Kingdom) examines the legal norms of family law, social law, labour law and tax law as well as some areas of the service sector (child care, schools). The part of the book dealing with family law focuses on legal norms regarding marital property law, inheritance claims of spouses and children, marital and post-divorce maintenance claims, and child maintenance. The part on social law examines the areas social insurance, general social benefits and benefits guaranteeing the existence minimum, time rights, child-related social services and tax reliefs for families and analyses the family and gender dimensions they are based on. The decisions provided by family law and social law regarding the division of work often vary, are partly contradictory and are only partially coordinated with the aim to reduce the disadvantaged position of women. In terms of methodology, the perspectives of sociology of law and comparative law as well as an interdisciplinary approach were selected. This constitutes the basis of a comparative assessment of the distributive potential of the institutions under examination.

About the author: Kirsten Scheiwe was a Heisenberg research fellow of the German Research Council (DFG) at the MZES. She is teaching civil law, social law and comparative law and is Professor of Law at Hildesheim University, Institute for Social Pedagogics. Her major topics of research are the comparative and interdisciplinary examination of legal institutions of family law and social law, law and gender relations as well as recent developments in social care institutions (long-term care insurance, legal developments in social service organizations, patients’ rights).

Flora, Peter, Stein Kuhnle and Derek Urwin (eds.): State Formation, Nation-Building, and Mass Politics in Europe: The Theory of Stein Rokkan. Based on his collected works. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. 422 pages. ISBN–0–19–828032–7. ¤ 45.00.

Stein Rokkan was one of the leading social scientists of the post-war era. He was a prolific writer, yet nowhere is his contribution to social science—the macro-model of the political development of Europe—presented in an integrated and systematic way. Stein Rokkan had plans to do this but he died before the work could be started. The current tensions between integration and national reassertion in Europe have given Rokkan’s basic approach fresh importance. To demonstrate its relevance, this book has been produced, based solely on his numerous writings which have been carefully selected, edited, and rearranged to present his theory as a coherent whole. A comprehensive interpretive essay by Peter Flora serves to introduce Rokkan’s text, emphasising its consistency and its relevance to future research.